
Amount of flashcards: 19

What is test validity?

Test validity refers to the extent to which a test measures what it is intended to measure.

What is test reliability?

Test reliability refers to the consistency and stability of test scores over time and across different test administrations.

What is test bias?

Test bias occurs when a test systematically underestimates or overestimates the performance of certain groups of test-takers.

What is test security?

Test security refers to measures taken to prevent cheating or unauthorized access to test materials to maintain the integrity of the test results.

What is test administration?

Test administration involves the process of organizing, scheduling, and overseeing the administration of a test to ensure fairness and consistency.

What is test scoring?

Test scoring is the process of evaluating and assigning scores to test responses based on predetermined criteria or scoring rubrics.

What is test feedback?

Test feedback provides test-takers with information on their performance, strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.


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