
Amount of flashcards: 20

Can Hehe be used as a response to a joke?

Yes, Hehe is often used as a response to something funny or humorous.

Is Hehe a recent term?

No, Hehe has been used for many years as a representation of laughter.

Can Hehe be used in professional settings?

No, Hehe is not appropriate to use in professional or formal settings.

Is Hehe considered slang?

Yes, Hehe is considered slang and is commonly used in informal conversations.

Can Hehe be used to lighten the mood?

Yes, Hehe can be used to add a light-hearted tone to a conversation or text.

Is Hehe used in other languages?

Hehe is primarily used in English, but similar expressions exist in other languages.

Can Hehe be used to express nervousness?

Yes, Hehe can be used to express nervous laughter or discomfort in certain situations.

Is Hehe a written representation of laughter?

Yes, Hehe is a written representation of laughter commonly used in digital communication.


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