Figure piane

Amount of flashcards: 21

What is a geometric figure?

It is any set of points.

What is space?

It is the set of all points and contains all figures.

What are the two types of figures?

Plane figure and solid figure.

What is a plane figure?

It is a figure that belongs to a plane and has two dimensions (length and height).

What is a solid figure?

It is a figure that has three dimensions (length, height, and depth) and is located in space.

What are the fundamental entities in geometry?

Primitive geometric shapes.

What is a point?

It is the most elementary geometric shape and has no dimension.

What is a line?

It is an unlimited set of points with no thickness, but with one dimension, which is length.

What is a plane?

It is a section of unlimited space in all directions.

What are polygons?

They are any closed broken line figures and can be concave or convex.

What is a concave polygon?

It is a polygon that contains the extension of at least one side within it.

What is a convex polygon?

It is a polygon that does not contain extensions of its sides within it.


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