teorías del aprendizaje

Amount of flashcards: 14

What is behaviorism?

Behaviorism is a psychological theory of learning that focuses on observable behavior controlled by the environment.

When was Watson's behaviorist manifesto published?

Watson's behaviorist manifesto was published in 1913.

What does behaviorism propose against?

Behaviorism proposes against the abuse of introspection and subjective methods.

Who influenced the development of behaviorism?

Pavlov's work on conditioned reflexes influenced the development of behaviorism.

What is the paradigm experimental of behaviorism?

The paradigm experimental of behaviorism is conditioning.

What are the two main types of behaviorism?

The two main types of behaviorism are radical behaviorism and methodological behaviorism.

Who are some key figures in neo-behaviorism?

Guthrie, Tolman, Hull, and Skinner are key figures in neo-behaviorism.

What is the core concept of behaviorism?

The core concept of behaviorism is the associationist view of knowledge and learning.

What are the three laws of association according to Aristotle?

The three laws of association according to Aristotle are contiguity, similarity, and contrast.

What is the central idea of associationism?

The central idea of associationism is that knowledge is acquired through associations between sensory experiences and ideas.

What are the key characteristics of behaviorism?

The key characteristics of behaviorism are reductionism, correspondence principle, elementism, environmentalism, and equipotentiality.

What is the purpose of behaviorism in education?

The purpose of behaviorism in education is to condition students to suppress unwanted behaviors and promote desired behaviors.


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