Amount of flashcards: 5

What does OPO stand for?

OPO stands for Organ Procurement Organization.

What is the role of an OPO?

The role of an OPO is to coordinate the donation and transplantation process of organs in a specific geographic area.

How does an OPO identify potential organ donors?

An OPO identifies potential organ donors through collaboration with hospitals, medical professionals, and the local community.

What are the steps involved in organ donation facilitated by an OPO?

The steps involved in organ donation facilitated by an OPO include donor identification, evaluation, consent, organ recovery, and transplantation.

What is the purpose of an OPO's transplant waiting list?

The purpose of an OPO's transplant waiting list is to prioritize and match available organs with suitable recipients based on medical urgency, compatibility, and other factors.

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