
Amount of flashcards: 31

What happens to the iron from the heme group after a red blood cell is destroyed?

It is transferred to the liver or bone marrow

What is bilirubin converted from the heme group used for?

To form bile for digestion of fats

What diffuses out of a cell at the same time as oxygen diffuses in?

Carbon dioxide

Where does carbon dioxide go in the venous system?

Interstitial fluid

What does deoxygenated hemoglobin in venous blood take up to form?


Where does carboxyhemoglobin release carbon dioxide?

At the respiratory membrane

How is carbon dioxide transported in the blood?

In several different ways

Where does carbon dioxide enter the lung and get exhaled?

In the breath

What is the Greek word for red?


What is the most numerous type of blood cell?

Red blood cells

What percentage of the body's cells are red blood cells?

Approximately one-quarter

Are red blood cells constantly regenerated and disposed of?



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