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ÉÅ  § q [ÑšVɃ² Ø¶½(!„%9 x@tn5BC,BYZrmfìM6ÿ What is the timeline for delivering and depositing escrow in real estate transactions?Sales associates and broker associates are required to deliver escrow by the next business day and deposit it by the third business day unless otherwise agreed upon by both parties.What is the timeline for delivering and depositing escrow in real estate transactions?‚<² Ø¶½&!‚{Q FUMq[lk+>tZrmfìM6ÿ What are the requirements for brokerages in Real Estate Brokerage Activities and Procedures (12%)?Brokerages are required to be registered with DBPR unless they are sole proprietors.What are the requirements for brokerages in Real Estate Brokerage Activities and Procedures (12%)?‚t² Ø¶½$!ƒ]_ opw)kW/(7dZrmfìM6ÿ What is the responsibility of a Sales Associate in Real Estate Brokerage Activities and Procedures (12%)?A sales associate can get written authorization from a broker for each transaction to receive their commission split directly.What is the responsibility of a Sales Associate in Real Estate Brokerage Activities and Procedures (12%)?…3² Ø¶½"!ˆeU DO9[25$~R]FVZrmfìM6ÿ What is the purpose of the Election of Rights form in Real Estate License Law and Commission Rules?The Election of Rights form is sent with a formal complaint to a licensee and must be completed within 21 days, indicating the licensee's acknowledgment of their rights in the complaint process.What is the purpose of the Election of Rights form in Real Estate License Law and Commission Rules?‚3² Ø¶½!ƒ cer7TJAqOcZrmfìM6ÿ How does FREC determine probable cause in a complaint against a licensee?FREC puts together a panel of 2+ members to determine if there is probable cause to prosecute a complaint against a licensee.How does FREC determine probable cause in a complaint against a licensee? ½½‚;² Ø¶½*‚yS #1M86Q%AEZrmfìM6ÿ How is the commission disbursed in a real estate transaction involving seller's and buyer's agents?The seller's agent and brokerage disburse the commission to the buyer's brokerage.How is the commission disbursed in a real estate transaction involving seller's and buyer's agents?PKq3YC¿¦£media{}PKq3Yø`1\€collection.anki2PKq3YC¿¦£€.mediaPKqS