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Jq<%bEN%qpI@xfV At the heart of entrepreneurship, what will you find a passion for?D. A and BAt the heart of entrepreneurship, what will you find a passion for?&% !%} AcFta=5yoSI@xfV What does the professional practice examination include?C. All of the aboveWhat does the professional practice examination include?# ! e jOD1HA|yQ1I@xfV Who does PEO Regulatory Compliance work for?C. All of the aboveWho does PEO Regulatory Compliance work for? ! !a Jw?Nb-9oI_I@xfV What is not personal protective equipment?C. Reusable glovesWhat is not personal protective equipment? !s LOaRqMhSL6I@xfV What do diversity differences among people include?D. All of the aboveWhat do diversity differences among people include? ![ l?KO!t:z$:I@xfV What is not an entrepreneur's function?D. None of the aboveWhat is not an entrepreneur's function? !i b/~$&={`{qI@xfV In what processes do engineers make decisions?D. All of the aboveIn what processes do engineers make decisions?+ !/} A<0]UFZmx^I@xfV What process distinguishes an engineer from an inventor?A. Professional practiceWhat process distinguishes an engineer from an inventor?6 Mw Xc13!7Xi]I@xfV What is not a way to alleviate anxiety before a test?B. Ignore anxiety to get it out of the wayWhat is not a way to alleviate anxiety before a test? !_ dQ1{WZ(^{FI@xfV What are features of scholarly resources?D. All of the aboveWhat are features of scholarly resources?- !3} E%z}hck,AEI@xfV What is the purpose of the non-academic code of conduct?A. Address, Restore, TeachWhat is the purpose of the non-academic code of conduct?(!_E v`-I@xfV How are scientists different from engineers?d) Scientists deal with theory while engineers work with the application of theoryHow are scientists different from engineers?d9 !i7 gn7`RfKfsVI@xfV What do engineers do?c) Create the artificialWhat do engineers do?7 !%U O9sy{G1rk!I@xfV What can formatting commands not do?C. Place the string (text) on the plot.What can formatting commands not do?5 !W cP6AGU3?c%I@xfV What is not a basic MATLAB operation?C. % pick off fake partWhat is not a basic MATLAB operation?3 !=Q E?/Vni)4EBI@xfV What is not a drawback for MATLAB?C. It is a good library of image processing functionsWhat is not a drawback for MATLAB?n1 !Kg yffDAOAU?>I@xfV What is the best definition of a team player?B. A team player is someone who is able to get along with their colleagues and work together in a cohesive group.What is the best definition of a team player?Q/ !)O hCuM?JlaD:I@xfV What does the hold on command do?A. Holds the current plot and all axis properties so that subsequent plot commands add to the existing plot.What does the hold on command do?i- !iA u.#6]1~lhvI@xfV What is Matlab able to do?D. All of the aboveWhat is Matlab able to do?+ !?E oc?|j(84cFI@xfV How is failure best defined?B. Inability of a component to perform its intended functionHow is failure best defined?9) !Qw H2:Z?F%;J_I@xfV What is the main methodology for reverse engineering?A. Investigation, Prediction, and HypothesisWhat is the main methodology for reverse engineering?  O ^ V|N{!G) gj_E:la)&DI@xfV What team role is given to a member who helps team members function as a team?B) FacilitatorWhat team role is given to a member who helps team members function as a team?oy !oG Gk/sPs?6BSI@xfV What makes a successful team?E) All of the aboveWhat makes a successful team?7w !5 ctp7rOMOf;I@xfV What is Engineering?A) Application of knowledge gained via science to solve a problem or meet a need by designing useful things.What is Engineering?;u!9 L#_GxqZmomI@xfV The “Design component of CEN100 will help you develop skills in,E) All of the aboveThe “Design component of CEN100 will help you develop skills in,Ts!K1 lkC4kZdI@xfV What major engineering disaster mainly led to the iron ring that engineers wear?d) Quebec BridgeWhat major engineering disaster mainly led to the iron ring that engineers wear?wi != p7*jbd;dHiI@xfV What does PEO stand for?c) Professional Engineers of OntarioWhat does PEO stand for?g !O brl[VCfyKxI@xfV Where is the math center located?c) 3rd floor of the VIC buildingWhere is the math center located?e!m Aw<Dk!I@xfV Which of the following is considered academic misconduct?d) All of the AboveWhich of the following is considered academic misconduct?ia!# O`#[~YWfuSI@xfV Which of the following is true about the Norman Esch Award?c) It provides a great opportunity for engineers to put their ideas into motionWhich of the following is true about the Norman Esch Award?"_ !!y sgSEwvst)EI@xfV MATLAB is capable of computing which of the following?d) All of the AboveMATLAB is capable of computing which of the following?6]!= A.q?=u)1rtI@xfV MATLAB is a program that deals with which of the following?a) Matrices, vectors, graphsMATLAB is a program that deals with which of the following?[!y P(cV>pGl9QI@xfV Which of the following engineers frequently use programs like MATLAB, frequently use linear algebra and lines of code?d) ComputerWhich of the following engineers frequently use programs like MATLAB, frequently use linear algebra and lines of code?AY!9 iS38-4@kBfI@xfV Which of the following engineers deals mainly with mechanized equipment?c) MechanicalWhich of the following engineers deals mainly with mechanized equipment?UW!M1 vj+*ka2]gNI@xfV Making tasks more productive, determining problems in the workplace, and solving them is mainly part of which of the following engineering fields?d) IndustrialMaking tasks more productive, determining problems in the workplace, and solving them is mainly part of which of the following engineering fields? dG 0  Z~ed' !s DW(oPmVVKBI@xfV In a team, who inspires and motivates team members?B) Team LeaderIn a team, who inspires and motivates team members?% !a cM|.OacVdVI@xfV Which of these is an engineering disaster?C) Both A and BWhich of these is an engineering disaster?# !yk L3p?4M0}SlI@xfV What is the engineering association in Ontario?A) PEOWhat is the engineering association in Ontario?! !i tznMpvfjL>I@xfV What is the first thing to do in case of fire?A) Remove the occupantsWhat is the first thing to do in case of fire? ! BUEn=Fi<._=d_I@xfV __________ is the most creative part of the total engineering process.B) Design__________ is the most creative part of the total engineering process. !u l:O>{]j_C*I@xfV What is the main study tip when studying for a test?A) Time ManagementWhat is the main study tip when studying for a test?!k JFdH,8!XcEI@xfV If I need help at Ryerson to learn about correct citing practices and creating my bibliography, where can I go?D) All of the aboveIf I need help at Ryerson to learn about correct citing practices and creating my bibliography, where can I go?3 != qbN5Enc6_UI@xfV Who is covered under the Non-Academic Code of Misconduct?B) All active/current studentsWho is covered under the Non-Academic Code of Misconduct? ! c D,[^=t]]ICI@xfV What are the possible penalties you can expect to encounter should you be charged with academic misconduct?D) All of the aboveWhat are the possible penalties you can expect to encounter should you be charged with academic misconduct?$ ! hsbdZTeweQI@xfV Which stage do you fall under if your idea is at the pre-commercialization stage but you need funds to take the final step,B) Stage 2Which stage do you fall under if your idea is at the pre-commercialization stage but you need funds to take the final step, ! m J!B-6`PQOXI@xfV Which of these are Mechanical Engineering Areas?E) Both A and BWhich of these are Mechanical Engineering Areas?w !sS B4LwBPW7C]I@xfV Where do Industrial Engineers work?D) Both A and BWhere do Industrial Engineers work?( !-y u??L{m~1bHI@xfV Which software system is used in Computer Engineering?D) Digital Control SystemWhich software system is used in Computer Engineering?L!A+ nrVD3##]D1I@xfV How many years does it take to complete Undergraduate for Chemical Engineering?C) 3 yearsHow many years does it take to complete Undergraduate for Chemical Engineering?P!S! LaCOac/q*?I@xfV Water Management involves the use of __________ and __________ principles.C) Hydrologic, HydraulicWater Management involves the use of __________ and __________ principles.3!/  BKbdp}bb+.I@xfV How many people does the Aerospace sector employ across Canada?C) 170,000 peopleHow many people does the Aerospace sector employ across Canada?1}!+  jJ)C/Df!9oI@xfV Which of these is a career direction for a Biomedical Engineer?D) Both A and CWhich of these is a career direction for a Biomedical Engineer?  ZQ K u3 !oS i[Lw|5k~=YI@xfV In a team, who keeps track of time?D) TimekeeperIn a team, who keeps track of time?1 !i x2Q:MW/)I@xfV What does SMP stand for?B) Student Membership ProgramWhat does SMP stand for?) !u kZW08R/Fq&I@xfV What are the key elements of Engineering Experience?D) All of the aboveWhat are the key elements of Engineering Experience?PK3YCmedia{}PK3Y%u  collection.anki2PK3YC. mediaPKqS