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G4P@0{$@E(f[* What is scapegoat theory?Blaming an out-group for one's frustrationWhat is scapegoat theory?)ڐ/ !WQ jP%6QI;]4}f[* What is the just world phenomenon?The belief that the world is just and people get what they deserveWhat is the just world phenomenon?ڐ- != Brp1,oKb>3f[* What is deindividuation?Loss of self-awareness and restraint in a groupWhat is deindividuation?wڐ+ ! ; nH+BC6q}0Uf[* What is social loafing?Reduced effort when working in a groupWhat is social loafing? ڐ) !#E Kh}1AzEYBKf[* What is social facilitation?Improved performance in the presence of othersWhat is social facilitation?qڐ' !; cFsmkbCGHYf[* What is group behavior?How people act in a group settingWhat is group behavior?2ڐ% !Eu mbtMOu]P|Mf[* What did Milgram's obedience experiment investigate?The influence of authority on obedienceWhat did Milgram's obedience experiment investigate?0ڐ# ![[ J%9Xr7;.qNf[* What is informational social influence?Conforming to others' behavior because they provide informationWhat is informational social influence?ڐ! !5S HxALVPdLl}f[* What is normative social influence?Conforming to gain approval or avoid disapprovalWhat is normative social influence?gڐ !s3 sFNY]1RqRxf[* What is compliance?Agreeing to a request or demandWhat is compliance?zڐ !3 H}L(b|sek|f[* What is conformity?Adjusting behavior to align with a group standardWhat is conformity?oڐ ! + j<%xEE]f*8f[* What are norms?Shared expectations about appropriate behaviorWhat are norms?Yڐ !/Y fR3;Isg$khf[* What are the two routes of persuasion?Peripheral route (influenced by incidental cues) and central route (focuses on the content of the message)What are the two routes of persuasion?qڐ !3 l30-g|Wdf[* Give an example of the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.Agreeing to sign a petition before being asked to volunteer time for a causeGive an example of the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.<ڐ !Ww DL:L9b#{{yf[* What is the connection between attitudes and actions?Attitudes can influence corresponding behaviorsWhat is the connection between attitudes and actions?qڐ !Gq sP$(#iV>@Uf[* What are the factors that affect our attributions?External (situational influences on behavior) and internal (personal characteristics influencing behavior)What are the factors that affect our attributions?Mڐ !o I;zr?RmXmDf[* Give an example of fundamental attribution error.Blaming a person for being late without considering factors like trafficGive an example of fundamental attribution error.Zڐ !#g zDtu#s/0rGf[* What is fundamental attribution error theory?Tendency to attribute others' behavior to internal factors while overlooking external factorsWhat is fundamental attribution error theory? ur v J  uRuڐ[ !=G c~pk]reTZmf[* What are superordinate goals?Shared goals that override differences and reduce conflictWhat are superordinate goals?[ڐY !{ bPM>f%n>V8f[* What is the decision-making model for helping behavior?Outlines steps including noticing, interpreting, and taking responsibilityWhat is the decision-making model for helping behavior?*ڐW !UU CBSkyhJ_?ff[* What are self-fulfilling prophecies?Believing something will happen, making it more likely to occurWhat are self-fulfilling prophecies?!ڐU !GQ mIxT{w)U1nf[* What are mirror image perceptions?Reciprocal views of each other held by parties in conflictWhat are mirror image perceptions?ڐS !Q9 uDO0VhaBpWf[* What are social traps?Actions that harm collective well-being by focusing on individual interestsWhat are social traps?zڐQ !/ DFI0cK/wcXf[* What is conflict?Perceived incompatibility of actions, goals, or ideasWhat is conflict?ڐO !5S c*x|M(b2E,f[* What is the social exchange theory?People help when the benefits outweigh the costsWhat is the social exchange theory?)ڐM !]K i]4=3l9m/Tf[* What is bystander intervention?The likelihood of helping decreases as the number of bystanders increaseWhat is bystander intervention?QڐK !q j}_FUO?X%5f[* What is the arousal-cost-reward model for helping?The decision to help is influenced by arousal, cost, and potential rewardsWhat is the arousal-cost-reward model for helping?iڐI !{/ O^/k=SgHbDf[* What is altruism?Unselfish concern for others' welfareWhat is altruism?xڐG ! = nU|@t~CWs1f[* What is self-disclosure?Revealing intimate aspects of oneselfWhat is self-disclosure?3ڐE !Qk eLi7.d$kc?f[* What are the factors that influence attraction?Proximity, physical attractiveness, and similarityWhat are the factors that influence attraction?ڐC !C P.`0pMCf[* What was Zimbardo's prison experiment about?Studying social roles and behavior by simulating a prison environmentWhat was Zimbardo's prison experiment about?Oڐ? !y{ F9Q${iP`w%f[* How does reinforcement and modeling influence behavior?Rewarding certain behaviors while imitating observed behaviorsHow does reinforcement and modeling influence behavior? ڐ= !+= b,,rcFh@+Jf[* What is a social script?Culturally provided mental instructions for how to actWhat is a social script?ڐ; !'g s>Qel-;p9*f[* What is the frustration-aggression principle?Frustration leads to aggressionWhat is the frustration-aggression principle??ڐ9 !ik d9A$yy0RCKf[* What factors contribute to aggressive behavior?Genetic influence, neural influence, and biochemical influenceWhat factors contribute to aggressive behavior?ڐ7 !G tOc+_/DHS,f[* What are cognitive shortcuts?Mental shortcuts that ease cognitive loadWhat are cognitive shortcuts?PKc3YCmedia{}PKc3YLcollection.anki2PKc3YC.mediaPKqS