PK E|lZ< W collection.anki2SQLite format 3 @
:Ov H'aindexix_notes_csumnotes
CREATE INDEX ix_notes_csum on notes (csum)I'aindexix_revlog_cidrevlogCREATE INDEX ix_revlog_cid on revlog (cid)U
)yindexix_cards_schedcardsCREATE INDEX ix_cards_sched on cards (did, queue, due)E %]indexix_cards_nidcards
CREATE INDEX ix_cards_nid on cards (nid)I'aindexix_revlog_usnrevlog CREATE INDEX ix_revlog_usn on revlog (usn)E%]indexix_cards_usncardsCREATE INDEX ix_cards_usn on cards (usn)E%]indexix_notes_usnnotesCREATE INDEX ix_notes_usn on notes (usn)!tablegravesgravesCREATE TABLE graves (
usn integer not null,
oid integer not null,
type integer not null
)ktablerevlogrevlogCREATE TABLE revlog (
id integer primary key,
cid integer not null,
usn integer not null,
ease integer not null,
ivl integer not null,
lastIvl integer not null,
factor integer not null,
time integer not null,
type integer not null
)KutablecardscardsCREATE TABLE cards (
id integer primary key, /* 0 */
nid integer not null, /* 1 */
did integer not null, /* 2 */
ord integer not null, /* 3 */
mod integer not null, /* 4 */
usn integer not null, /* 5 */
type integer not null, /* 6 */
queue integer not null, /* 7 */
due integer not null, /* 8 */
ivl integer not null, /* 9 */
factor integer not null, /* 10 */
reps integer not null, /* 11 */
lapses integer not null, /* 12 */
left integer not null, /* 13 */
odue integer not null, /* 14 */
odid integer not null, /* 15 */
flags integer not null, /* 16 */
data text not null /* 17 */
)_tablenotesnotesCREATE TABLE notes (
id integer primary key, /* 0 */
guid text not null, /* 1 */
mid integer not null, /* 2 */
mod integer not null, /* 3 */
usn integer not null, /* 4 */
tags text not null, /* 5 */
flds text not null, /* 6 */
sfld integer not null, /* 7 */
csum integer not null, /* 8 */
flags integer not null, /* 9 */
data text not null /* 10 */
)wtablecolcolCREATE TABLE col (
id integer primary key,
crt integer not null,
mod integer not null,
scm integer not null,
ver integer not null,
dty integer not null,
usn integer not null,
ls integer not null,
conf text not null,
models text not null,
decks text not null,
dconf text not null,
tags text not null
"activeDecks": [
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"newSpread": 0,
"nextPos": 1,
"sortBackwards": false,
"sortType": "noteFld",
"timeLim": 0
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"1": {
"autoplay": true,
"id": 1,
"lapse": {
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"leechFails": 8,
"minInt": 1,
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"name": "Default",
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xIpY%}A=|p\`Ugѩs Question 10, What type of structural material does the designation W8 x 18 (W200 x 27) designate?C) A wide flange beam.Question 10, What type of structural material does the designation W8 x 18 (W200 x 27) designate?c !q)
mu:dWH&KNs\`Ugѩs Question 9, When interpreting a bill of materials where a call out for C10 x 15.3 (250 x 23) is referenced, what is the size of this material?C) 10 in (250 mm) flange to flange.Question 9, When interpreting a bill of materials where a call out for C10 x 15.3 (250 x 23) is referenced, what is the size of this material?@ !/%
w53N&g-:XE\`Ugѩs Question 8, HSS materials can be square, rectangular, or round. (True/False)TrueQuestion 8, HSS materials can be square, rectangular, or round. (True/False)6 !3
oD+-rL]VwU\`Ugѩs Question 7, An engineering drawing can also be referred to as a,C) Design drawing.Question 7, An engineering drawing can also be referred to as a,#
Ba!|J6H`s=\`Ugѩs Question 6, Shop perspective drawings are similar to,D) Isometric drawings.Question 6, Shop perspective drawings are similar to,O !M%
nq9AEdTaVN\`Ugѩs Question 5, The thin solid lines with dimension lines in between are called,A) Extension lines.Question 5, The thin solid lines with dimension lines in between are called, !sa
Cq|4_<]@,r\`Ugѩs Question 4, What is the maximum number of principal views available for use in an orthographic projection?A) ThreeQuestion 4, What is the maximum number of principal views available for use in an orthographic projection? ?;
C!lr!qS9r\`Ugѩs Question 3, What does a solid line with a jog or freehand break in its length indicate?D) A break line shortening an item by omitting part of a section.Question 3, What does a solid line with a jog or freehand break in its length indicate?: !7
HgzC9S_IR4\`Ugѩs Question 2, While installing a component, a dimension shown on a drawing as 10 mm (+/- 0.5 mm) means the dimension must be within,B) 9.5 and 10.5 mmQuestion 2, While installing a component, a dimension shown on a drawing as 10 mm (+/- 0.5 mm) means the dimension must be within,%
r_`6XrC>qM\`Ugѩs Question 1, True picture drawings are referred to as,A) Perspective drawings.Question 1, True picture drawings are referred to as,
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