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M)ul9!}Yf6q fB What is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's head?HeadbandWhat is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's head?8s/ {)Lr:x])]q fB What is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's ankle?Ankle GuardWhat is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's ankle?6q!+ b+hz}QH>p$q fB What is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's knee?Knee GuardWhat is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's knee?9o!/ FfR)8dm557q fB What is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's elbow?Elbow GuardWhat is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's elbow?9m!/ d0ls{s(,nTq fB What is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's shoes?Shoe CoversWhat is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's shoes?8k!- y25T,z4Ow4q fB What is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's thumb?Thumb TapeWhat is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's thumb?%sy6?|{q fB What is the name of the equipment used to clean the bowling balls?Ball CleanerWhat is the name of the equipment used to clean the bowling balls?W !w g]4DbC^n?xq fB What is the name of the equipment used to keep score?Scoring SystemWhat is the name of the equipment used to keep score?!U! J&:*%w+t*Lq fB What is the name of the equipment used to set up the pins?PinsetterWhat is the name of the equipment used to set up the pins?0S!'  y];Ab@+;c{q fB What is the name of the equipment used to roll the bowling ball?Bowling LaneWhat is the name of the equipment used to roll the bowling ball? g@u * f (g9!/ Hq[hd@hQL,q fB What is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's heels?Heel GuardsWhat is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's heels?6 !+ yyqgr<7boiq fB What is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's toes?Toe GuardsWhat is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's toes?7 !- P-PP@Z;kmOq fB What is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's feet?Foot GuardsWhat is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's feet?9 !/ xy7@4[gNI,q fB What is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's shins?Shin GuardsWhat is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's shins?<!3 MjQR.Qhw6hq fB What is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's thighs?Thigh GuardsWhat is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's thighs?5!) eZA=;p7RJoq fB What is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's hips?Hip GuardWhat is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's hips?A!; yU1TKg$Kiiq fB What is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's abdomen?Abdominal GuardWhat is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's abdomen?=!7 B7XUTysg]dq fB What is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's chest?Chest ProtectorWhat is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's chest?C!; clHm$o6emaq fB What is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's shoulders?Shoulder PadsWhat is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's shoulders?8}!/ MZ;N-SOI4+q fB What is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's back?Back SupportWhat is the name of the equipment used to protect the bowler's back?PKL4YCmedia{}PKL4Y%2collection.anki2PKL4YC.mediaPKqS