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M-`q1f3F", M+`q1f3F"* M)`q1f3F"( M'`q1f3F"& M%`q1f3F"$ M#`q1f3F"" M!`q1f3F"  M`q1f3F   2 |qf[PE:/$ti^SH=2' M M M} M{ My Mw Mu Ms Mq Mo Mm Mk Mi Mg Me Mc Ma M_ M] M[ MY MW MU MS MQ MO MM MK MI MG ME MC MA M? M= M; M9 M7 M5 M3 M1 M/ M- M+ M) M' M% M# M! M 2 |qf[PE:/$ti^SH=2' M M M~ M| Mz Mx Mv Mt Mr Mp Mn Ml Mj Mh Mf Md Mb M` M^ M\ MZ MX MV MT MR MP MN ML MJ MH MF MD MB M@ M> M< M: M8 M6 M4 M2 M0 M. M, M* M( M& M$ M" M  2 p`P@0 p`P@0  p ` P @ 0  MMMMM}M~M{M|MyMzMwMxMuMvMsMtMqMrMoMpMmMnMkMlMiMjMgMhMeMfMcMdMaMbM_M`M]M^M[M\MYMZMWMXMUMVMSMTMQMRMOMPMMMNMKMLMIMJMGMHMEMFMCMDMAMBM?M@M=M>M;M<M9M:M7M8M5M6M3M4M1M2M/M0M-M.M+M,M)M*M'M(M%M&M#M$M!M"MM 2 p`P@0 p`P@0  p ` P @ 0  `q1M`q1M`q1M~`q1M|`q1Mz`q1Mx`q1Mv`q1Mt`q1Mr`q1Mp`q1Mn`q1Ml`q1Mj`q1Mh`q1Mf`q1Md`q1Mb`q1M``q1M^`q1M\`q1MZ`q1MX`q1MV`q1MT`q1MR`q1MP`q1MN`q1ML`q1MJ`q1MH`q1MF`q1MD`q1MB`q1M@`q1M>`q1M<`q1M:`q1M8`q1M6`q1M4`q1M2`q1M0`q1M.`q1M,`q1M*`q1M(`q1M&`q1M$`q1M"`q1M  2 ~tj`VLB8.$zpf\RH>4*  M M M} M{ My Mw Mu Ms Mq Mo Mm Mk Mi Mg Me Mc Ma M_ M] M[ MY MW MU MS MQ MO MM MK MI MG ME MC MA M? M= M; M9 M7 M5 M3 M1 M/ M- M+ M) M' M% M# M! M E  s o l V-~\E9hExW !}K mH9._!H548\f3F Question, 你可以帮我吗?Answer, Can you help me?Question, 你可以帮我吗?U !1] oo)4Mm]jjE\f3F Question, 我每天早上七点起床。Answer, I wake up at seven every morning.Question, 我每天早上七点起床。S !%W g+_x:3#m$R\f3F Question, 我们一起去商店吧。Answer, Let's go to the shop together.Question, 我们一起去商店吧。Q !W P*SRoRA@Cf\f3F Question, 这是我最喜欢的歌。Answer, This is my favorite song.Question, 这是我最喜欢的歌。O !5Q xCMM#4]dUM\f3F Question, 这件衣服很漂亮。Answer, This piece of clothing is very beautiful.Question, 这件衣服很漂亮。M ! K EYe_PKHBy,\f3F Question, 我的电脑坏了。Answer, My computer is broken.Question, 我的电脑坏了。K ! K En0|KaS@vp\f3F Question, 明天会下雨吗?Answer, Will it rain tomorrow?Question, 明天会下雨吗?I ! K g~G,bO.-*;\f3F Question, 这个菜太辣了。Answer, This dish is too spicy.Question, 这个菜太辣了。G Q Y`)k~/{dY\f3F Question, 你有兄弟姐妹吗?Answer, Do you have any siblings?Question, 你有兄弟姐妹吗?E !#W FK8&S>B]}9\f3F Question, 我会说一点儿汉语。Answer, I can speak a little Chinese.Question, 我会说一点儿汉语。C !E c!X{pq]AcB\f3F Question, 我要去医院。Answer, I need to go to the hospital.Question, 我要去医院。A !'W qIYOi})E{\f3F Question, 我们明天见。Answer, See you tomorrow.Question, 我们明天见。{/ !K Ail?%kZ&.L\f3F Question, 你的狗在哪里?Answer, Where is your dog?Question, 你的狗在哪里?{- !K GlQ1S}H*F$\f3F Question, 你在哪里工作?Answer, Where do you work?Question, 你在哪里工作?+ !#] gj<8N;$h5W\f3F Question, 你的电话号码是多少?Answer, What is your phone number?Question, 你的电话号码是多少?) !W qeF~ssHf?>\f3F Question, 我需要一辆出租车。Answer, I need a taxi.Question, 我需要一辆出租车。k' !o? msTqD:vOKj\f3F Question, 你吃了吗?Answer, Have you eaten?Question, 你吃了吗?r% !wE s/#H|b0B1^\f3F Question, 这是我的书。Answer, This is my book.Question, 这是我的书。z# !E AIin6fk%[4\f3F Question, 我们去北京。Answer, We're going to Beijing.Question, 我们去北京。 ! !K A16#g}/L\f3F Question, 我可以用你的电脑吗?Answer, Can I use your computer?Question, 我可以用你的电脑吗?y !)Q Q@~TSgt#pM\f3F Question, 这儿的风景很美。Answer, The scenery here is very beautiful.Question, 这儿的风景很美。 w !Q lBwPCC^cAM\f3F Question, 我明天要去上班。Answer, I have to go to work tomorrow.Question, 我明天要去上班。u ! Q Ic09gps.N=\f3F Question, 这个电视太旧了。Answer, This TV is too old.Question, 这个电视太旧了。s ! Q kwPJA_>ldw\f3F Question, 你的房子在哪里?Answer, Where is your house?Question, 你的房子在哪里?q !#W OegHCnZJ+}\f3F Question, 他每天都去健身房。Answer, He goes to the gym every day.Question, 他每天都去健身房。o !#] x;)*mgFbkX\f3F Question, 我的中文名字是李华。Answer, My Chinese name is Li Hua.Question, 我的中文名字是李华。m !K nM7[9NikD@\f3F Question, 这个字怎么写?Answer, How to write this character?Question, 这个字怎么写? k !K KdrQTMA3f9\f3F Question, 我想喝杯咖啡。Answer, I want to drink a cup of coffee.Question, 我想喝杯咖啡。i ! K P<4$[HBso#\f3F Question, 我在学习汉语。Answer, I am studying Chinese.Question, 我在学习汉语。g ! Q uzGmuItjma5\f3F Question, 我的手机丢了。Answer, I lost my mobile phone.Question, 我的手机丢了。 a !Q f$CUBQ8/]2\f3F Question, 我喜欢吃中国菜。Answer, I like to eat Chinese food.Question, 我喜欢吃中国菜。_ !Q b@M(8]O]=F\f3F Question, 你认识那个人吗?Answer, Do you know that person?Question, 你认识那个人吗?] !9Q qNjPs]R]>B\f3F Question, 我要去银行取钱。Answer, I need to go to the bank to withdraw money.Question, 我要去银行取钱。[ !K u$Bj5/p.t7\f3F Question, 这个苹果很甜。Answer, This apple is very sweet.Question, 这个苹果很甜。Y !!W E/H]lU-BtD\f3F Question, 你的中文说得很好。Answer, You speak Chinese very well.Question, 你的中文说得很好。PK%D4YCmedia{}PK%D4Y 'collection.anki2PK%D4YC.mediaPKqS