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Dw ` f}e D=暑 !mc M{D|llgB%6Rduf What are the common causes of pancreatitis?The common causes of pancreatitis are gallstones and heavy drinking.What are the common causes of pancreatitis?T暑 !w Pi-y5-f0u`Rduf What are the common symptoms of chronic pancreatitis?Common symptoms of chronic pancreatitis include indigestion and pain after eating, loss of appetite and unintended weight loss, fatty poops that leave an oily film in the toilet, and lightheadedness.What are the common symptoms of chronic pancreatitis?暑 !s Fz1nCvw].}Rduf How is pancreatitis diagnosed?Pancreatitis is diagnosed through blood tests to check pancreatic enzyme levels and imaging tests such as CT scans or MRIs.How is pancreatitis diagnosed?%既~ !+u z[*nEkA}_mRduf What are the possible complications of pancreatitis?Complications of pancreatitis can include necrosis and infection, pancreatic pseudocysts, chronic pancreatitis, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, malabsorption and malnutrition, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia and Type 1 diabetes, chronic pain, and increased risk of pancreatic cancer.What are the possible complications of pancreatitis?M既| !'I OCn582Q!6zRduf Can you die from pancreatitis?Complications of acute pancreatitis can be fatal in severe cases, leading to shock and multiple organ failure.Can you die from pancreatitis?既z !y{ Oi0B>ctTyBRduf Do acute and chronic pancreatitis have the same causes?Most of the time, pancreatitis is acute and temporary, but chronic causes that don't go away can lead to chronic pancreatitis.Do acute and chronic pancreatitis have the same causes?既x !km DcnTh}1S`ERduf What are the less common causes of pancreatitis?Less common causes of pancreatitis include infections, autoimmune disease, inherited gene mutations, complications of cystic fibrosis, high blood triglyceride levels, high blood calcium levels, ischemia, cancer, traumatic injury, and certain medications.What are the less common causes of pancreatitis? VV@暑 !E FD{g=.q+QSRduf How is pancreatitis treated?Treatment for pancreatitis depends on the cause, whether it's acute or chronic, and how severe it is.How is pancreatitis treated?Z暑 !AI CYc!-WKu>}Rduf How is pancreatitis diagnosed?Pancreatitis is diagnosed through blood tests to check pancreatic enzyme levels and imaging tests such as CT scans or MRIs.How is pancreatitis diagnosed?PK+4YCmedia{}PK+4Y"֜collection.anki2PK+4YC.mediaPKqS