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Km 7 _ ' S z ()Q(g=ЙQ ! } izKkG0MvRHoPeg0% Who is the Div Chief, Training with the call sign '583'?Nitya.Who is the Div Chief, Training with the call sign '583'? ЙO !}q JgX3.G/)YBoPeg0% Who is the Div Chief, SS with the call sign '582'?Elva.Who is the Div Chief, SS with the call sign '582'?ЙM !s q:6+4^1F#roPeg0% Who is the Div Chief, Ops with the call sign '581'?Ellie.Who is the Div Chief, Ops with the call sign '581'? ЙK !o w>cBJzJ.AFoPeg0% Who is the Chief of EMS with the call sign '580'?Trisha.Who is the Chief of EMS with the call sign '580'? ЙI !q QeoUcdr#qioPeg0% Who is the Command Staff with the call sign '508'?Jacob.Who is the Command Staff with the call sign '508'?ЙG ! q s[34;C(5K[oPeg0% Who is the Command Staff with the call sign '504'?Dr. Isakov.Who is the Command Staff with the call sign '504'?ЙE !q z!9Jy{b!BzoPeg0% Who is the Command Staff with the call sign '502'?Angela.Who is the Command Staff with the call sign '502'? ЙC !}q DqW%}7w.TroPeg0% Who is the Command Staff with the call sign '501'?Wade.Who is the Command Staff with the call sign '501'? ЙA !{q bl~r$TCX7IoPeg0% Who is the Command Staff with the call sign '500'?Sam.Who is the Command Staff with the call sign '500'?Й?!  eG:mH_I(lQoPeg0% What is the call sign for the secondary EEMS response crew?592.What is the call sign for the secondary EEMS response crew?Й=   ($$$)<^<|oPeg0% What is the call sign for the primary EEMS response crew?591.What is the call sign for the primary EEMS response crew?Й; !y uaq2t,YX4AoPeg0% What is the call sign for the on-duty EEMS supervisor?590.What is the call sign for the on-duty EEMS supervisor?]Й9 !OC e,Vi#V+]lfoPeg0% What does signal '49' mean?Dead.What does signal '49' mean?oЙ7 !kK onIW{]c(`boPeg0% What does signal '46 RED' mean?Cardiac Arrest.What does signal '46 RED' mean?iЙ5 !gC m_Cup~G8w!oPeg0% What does signal '41' mean?Vehicle Accident.What does signal '41' mean?eЙ3 !_C mn`@WExAa2oPeg0% What does signal '28' mean?Drug Related.What does signal '28' mean?hЙ1 !eC OK{k_H8BT`oPeg0% What does signal '26' mean?Alcohol Related.What does signal '26' mean?cЙ/ !c; Iq7.?X.HeQoPeg0% What does '10-62' mean?Is everything okay?What does '10-62' mean?gЙ- !k; JAlp{rL-NhoPeg0% What does '10-56' mean?Pt Condition (A/B/C/D).What does '10-56' mean?_Й+ ![; ygw3g+S{i_oPeg0% What does '10-42' mean?Out of service.What does '10-42' mean?[Й) !S; qJ1~A(Yx{EoPeg0% What does '10-41' mean?In-service.What does '10-41' mean?aЙ' !_; AA2gh/+z$woPeg0% What does '10-33' mean?Emergency/Danger.What does '10-33' mean?gЙ% !k; z@Z.a/>Cb!oPeg0% What does '10-25' mean?Scene is under control.What does '10-25' mean?bЙ# !a; myDq}HgN:^oPeg0% What does '10-21' mean?Call by telephone.What does '10-21' mean?hЙ! !o9 zBt3g)jAXsoPeg0% What does '10-9' mean?Repeat your radio traffic.What does '10-9' mean?gЙ !m9 MKt7sXRZDwoPeg0% What does '10-8' mean?Available (after a call).What does '10-8' mean?_Й !]9 s{~`n-_1FzoPeg0% What does '10-7' mean?Arrival on scene.What does '10-7' mean?[Й !U9 d@aw&{iuj?oPeg0% What does '10-4' mean?Acknowledged.What does '10-4' mean?_Й !]9 GpkhE9*eL>oPeg0% What does '10-3' mean?Hold ALL traffic.What does '10-3' mean?qЙ !gS pk|Tp{hOM%oPeg0% What is the name for AMR transport?'Dekalb'.What is the name for AMR transport?-Й !Cm ra!r$9n{%2oPeg0% What does 'traffic' mean in radio communication?Communication/transmission over the radio.What does 'traffic' mean in radio communication?  Bel U BWЙ]!i v/]#rClE@boPeg0% What information must be provided when responding to a Flag down call?Response mode (emergent/nonemergent), where you are responding from, where you are responding to, the chief complaint, and whether or not you need a transporting unit.What information must be provided when responding to a Flag down call?,Й[ ![S A+1.]@J.|5oPeg0% How are Flag down calls dispatched?Someone flags you down for help or walks up to you asking for help.How are Flag down calls dispatched?5ЙY% PE5&3Yg=$oPeg0% What information must be provided when responding to a Dekalb Dispatch call?Response mode (emergent/nonemergent), where you are responding from, where you are responding to, and the chief complaint.What information must be provided when responding to a Dekalb Dispatch call?RЙW !_ g2#=d8M7Q@oPeg0% How are Dekalb Dispatch calls dispatched?EEMS hears a call in Response Area that was dispatched over the Dekalb Fire Dispatch channel.How are Dekalb Dispatch calls dispatched?qЙU !][ pS*X;){+r;oPeg0% How are EPD generated calls dispatched?Callers call Emory Police Department emergency number and radio sounds tones over EPD Main to dispatch an EEMS unit to the call.How are EPD generated calls dispatched?ЙS !-O gPN:;t(^1~oPeg0% What are the types of dispatches?EPD generated, Dekalb Dispatch, and Flag down.What are the types of dispatches?PK=jYCmedia{}PK=jYncollection.anki2PK=jYC.mediaPKqS