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M{r|)e2M!/uAfC Answer,A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence.Answer,Xج !i k=]s)t_i^MuAfC Question,What is the definition of a pronoun?Question,ج !A uNWY%bm-O3uAfC Answer,An adverb is a word that describes or modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb.Answer,Xج !i Mb0GoWz4kzuAfC Question,What is the definition of an adverb?Question,uج !% uu92:M_wy%uAfC Answer,An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun.Answer,[ج !o MgYP>%evJ@uAfC Question,What is the definition of an adjective?Question,yج / hEN9H3Lb{uAfC Answer,A verb is a word that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being.Answer,Uج !c i:28{*Uo_#uAfC Question,What is the definition of a verb?Question,rج ! w*^Dpo>xBouAfC Answer,A noun is a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea.Answer,Uج !c Hu~vQPG+BKuAfC Question,What is the definition of a noun?Question, MS n  }  E NkpYD6k 0&ح ! k;0]tPaa0guAfC Answer,An infinitive is a verb form that functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb and is usually preceded by the word 'to'.Answer,\ح !q HDO,Nwi(15uAfC Question,What is the definition of an infinitive?Question,sح !! P4M^E-N9F)uAfC Answer,A gerund is a verb form that functions as a noun and ends in -ing.Answer,Wج~ !g E.8}a~^I.#uAfC Question,What is the definition of a gerund?Question, ج| !{ BY?64V}i6!uAfC Answer,An independent clause is a clause that can stand alone as a complete sentence and expresses a complete thought.Answer,eجz ! vY}!j`J&wMuAfC Question,What is the definition of an independent clause?Question,/جx ! CQ{%c;pqo^uAfC Answer,A dependent clause is a clause that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence and relies on an independent clause for meaning.Answer,aجv !{ u@]jylFfe]uAfC Question,What is the definition of a dependent clause?Question,جt !w NuT[J+oO1suAfC Answer,A modifier is a word or group of words that provides additional information about another word in a sentence.Answer,Yجr !k kbcM.!ixd%uAfC Question,What is the definition of a modifier?Question,-جp ! tm;U/P749GuAfC Answer,A compound predicate is a predicate that consists of two or more verbs or verb phrases joined by a coordinating conjunction.Answer,cجn ! m1C3Z)g01EuAfC Question,What is the definition of a compound predicate?Question,%جl ! D{|d~Q|R,luAfC Answer,A compound subject is a subject that consists of two or more nouns or pronouns joined by a coordinating conjunction.Answer,aجj !{ tvT6On%?8:uAfC Question,What is the definition of a compound subject?Question, جh !Q QQ19Ha`|#^uAfC Answer,A complete predicate is the simple predicate and all the words that modify or describe it.Answer,cجf ! KXz_CRN$ZsuAfC Question,What is the definition of a complete predicate?Question,rجd ! lSWGkn24a|uAfC Answer,A simple predicate is the main verb or verb phrase in a sentence.Answer,aجb !{ x6L^~2(uAfC Answer,A complete subject is the simple subject and all the words that modify or describe it.Answer,aج^ !{ hqJt4D-Sp%uAfC Question,What is the definition of a complete subject?Question,lج\ ! JX3#Qfp;Y-uAfC Answer,A simple subject is the main noun or pronoun in a sentence.Answer,_جZ !w G3jgU2@.^VuAfC Question,What is the definition of a simple subject?Question,جX != LG>oO^q{>cuAfC Answer,An exclamatory sentence is a sentence that expresses strong emotion or surprise.Answer,gجV ! IB6`n