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Q>X$=NdH%&Puf What social class is more commonly associated with anorexia nervosa?Higher social class.What social class is more commonly associated with anorexia nervosa?(½ !5q yvF*j-rlE.Puf At what age does anorexia nervosa typically occur?Adolescence, rare before puberty.At what age does anorexia nervosa typically occur?{½ !ma j#ksF:Z$^*Puf What is the incidence of anorexia nervosa?0.7%.What is the incidence of anorexia nervosa?½ !s OFp(-ixWpQPuf What is the most common eating disorder in females?Anorexia nervosa.What is the most common eating disorder in females? ½ !S N%Y~D*IgevPuf Name two types of eating disorders.Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa.Name two types of eating disorders.P½ !w m3y]6-G|(UPuf What are the classification systems for eating disorders?DSM V feeding and eating disorder, ICD 10 eating disorders.What are the classification systems for eating disorders?6½ ![g k]s=)!5BfwPuf What is the definition of an eating disorder?Disorder of pattern of eating, amount and nature of food.What is the definition of an eating disorder?  5½-!/ jKpt3ZC>%pPuf What are some physical features associated with anorexia nervosa?Brain, dizziness, mood swings; Hair/skin, dry skin, brittle nails, thin hair; Heart, low blood pressure, irregular slow pulse; Blood, low iron level; Intestines, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain; Hormones, irregular or absent period, loss of libido, infertility; Kidneys, dehydration, kidney failure; Bones, loss of bone calcium, osteoporosis; Muscle, muscle loss, weakness, fatigue.What are some physical features associated with anorexia nervosa?PKd4YCmedia{}PKd4Y(eIcollection.anki2PKd4YC.mediaPKqS