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G]oW.xA(r)rT6f Who influenced the king's decisions on making laws in Anglo-Saxon England?The wealthy advisors and nobles who owned lots of land and had influence over the king.Who influenced the king's decisions on making laws in Anglo-Saxon England?C߲p!? x@E,3!n`^|rT6f What was the role of the king in enforcing laws in Anglo-Saxon England?The king had the final say on what became a law and what became a crime. He relied on his royal advisors and nobles to help him rule the country.What was the role of the king in enforcing laws in Anglo-Saxon England?  \ F IT0 ߳" !ww l3&}^#o1[6rT6f What was the punishment for murder in Norman England?A fine called the wergild was paid to the victim's family as compensation, preventing the victim's family from seeking revenge.What was the punishment for murder in Norman England?-߳ ! mxW+)n*(r`rT6f What was the punishment for crimes against authority in Norman England?The most severe punishment, death, was given for crimes against authority, such as rebellion against the new Norman rulers.What was the punishment for crimes against authority in Norman England?߳!  KD5)VpE*T|rT6f What was the purpose of building castles in Norman England?To control the local people, demonstrate power, and symbolize the increased strength and authority of the king over law and order.What was the purpose of building castles in Norman England?3߳!% m)IUL#W!{FrT6f What were William the Conqueror's new forest laws in Norman England?He declared large areas of the English countryside as 'Royal Forests' for hunting, which restricted access to common land for peasants.What were William the Conqueror's new forest laws in Norman England? ߳!QC Dno@3s}^`.rT6f What were the consequences for peasants who tried to leave their village in Norman England?It became a crime, and they would be hunted down and known as outlaws.What were the consequences for peasants who tried to leave their village in Norman England?~߳!9 eqnF{Q{*lArT6f Why did William the Conqueror introduce the Feudal System in England?To establish his royal authority and ensure loyalty from the Anglo-Saxon people.Why did William the Conqueror introduce the Feudal System in England?߳! S x+$Qi&V(purT6f What changes did William the Conqueror bring to law and order in England after the Norman Conquest?He increased the power of the new Norman kings, built castles to demonstrate his authority, introduced the Feudal System, and implemented new forest laws.What changes did William the Conqueror bring to law and order in England after the Norman Conquest?u߳ C 2R/.x|:uqrT6f What were the capital punishments in Anglo-Saxon England?Capital punishments included public hanging, which was used for crimes such as treason and arson.What were the capital punishments in Anglo-Saxon England?߳!o MH=aopZ=3trT6f What were the corporal punishments in Anglo-Saxon England?Corporal punishments included beatings, mutilation, branding, and maiming, causing physical harm and pain to the body.What were the corporal punishments in Anglo-Saxon England?%߳! oA(}Jom6KgrT6f What were the stocks and pillory used for in Anglo-Saxon England?They were used for public humiliation and punishment for less serious crimes, acting as a deterrent to others in the community.What were the stocks and pillory used for in Anglo-Saxon England?+߳ !Ge JFH9lYo:(.rT6f What was the wergild in Anglo-Saxon England?The wergild was a fine paid to the victim's family as compensation for the loss of a family member, and the amount depended on the social status of the victim and the murderer.What was the wergild in Anglo-Saxon England?߳ !o Ft}TzM>7wOrT6f What were the punishments for crimes in Anglo-Saxon England?Punishments included fines, beatings, mutilation, branding, maiming, and capital punishments such as public hanging.What were the punishments for crimes in Anglo-Saxon England?$߳ !1m P;IeNv&tc+rT6f What was trial by ordeal in Anglo-Saxon England?It was a way of testing a person's innocence or guilt according to the eyes of God, and it involved methods such as trial by hot iron, hot water, and cold water.What was trial by ordeal in Anglo-Saxon England? J z 2 < @ \gC ߳@ !ww l3&}^#o1[6rT6f What was the punishment for murder in Norman England?A fine called the wergild was paid to the victim's family as compensation, preventing the victim's family from seeking revenge.What was the punishment for murder in Norman England?-߳>! mxW+)n*(r`rT6f What was the punishment for crimes against authority in Norman England?The most severe punishment, death, was given for crimes against authority, such as rebellion against the new Norman rulers.What was the punishment for crimes against authority in Norman England?߳<!  KD5)VpE*T|rT6f What was the purpose of building castles in Norman England?To control the local people, demonstrate power, and symbolize the increased strength and authority of the king over law and order.What was the purpose of building castles in Norman England?3߳:!% m)IUL#W!{FrT6f What were William the Conqueror's new forest laws in Norman England?He declared large areas of the English countryside as 'Royal Forests' for hunting, which restricted access to common land for peasants.What were William the Conqueror's new forest laws in Norman England? ߳8!QC Dno@3s}^`.rT6f What were the consequences for peasants who tried to leave their village in Norman England?It became a crime, and they would be hunted down and known as outlaws.What were the consequences for peasants who tried to leave their village in Norman England?~߳6!9 eqnF{Q{*lArT6f Why did William the Conqueror introduce the Feudal System in England?To establish his royal authority and ensure loyalty from the Anglo-Saxon people.Why did William the Conqueror introduce the Feudal System in England?߳4! S x+$Qi&V(purT6f What changes did William the Conqueror bring to law and order in England after the Norman Conquest?He increased the power of the new Norman kings, built castles to demonstrate his authority, introduced the Feudal System, and implemented new forest laws.What changes did William the Conqueror bring to law and order in England after the Norman Conquest?\߳2 !{ v5-,=1@Q^}rT6f What was the punishment for poaching in Norman England?It was considered a crime, but the punishment is not mentioned in the text.What was the punishment for poaching in Norman England?t߳0!! h_!L.X?DgxrT6f What were the punishments for crimes against the person in Norman England?The wergild for murder and corporal punishments for assault.What were the punishments for crimes against the person in Norman England?n߳.! ypr{(?($@SrT6f What were the punishments for crimes against property in Norman England?Fines, corporal punishments, and public hanging for arson.What were the punishments for crimes against property in Norman England?߳, !y vYz>lz|&l@rT6f What was the punishment for treason in Norman England?Public hanging.What was the punishment for treason in Norman England?߳* !u y7wMzKk1]NrT6f What was the punishment for arson in Norman England?Public hanging.What was the punishment for arson in Norman England?H߳(!_ A^ilBbI:HdrT6f What was the punishment for forging coins in Norman England?The hand of the person would be chopped off.What was the punishment for forging coins in Norman England?.߳& !9y DjM(|sT;^=rT6f What were the punishments for theft in Norman England?Fines and corporal punishments.What were the punishments for theft in Norman England?x߳$! 9 mPLw`5+;o,rT6f What were the punishments for public disorder, such as drunkenness, in Norman England?Public humiliation in stocks or pillory.What were the punishments for public disorder, such as drunkenness, in Norman England? J z 2 < @ N::lvz1߳d !={ c%=[qGytmNrT6f What was the punishment for poaching in Norman England?It is not mentioned in the text.What was the punishment for poaching in Norman England?t߳b!! h_!L.X?DgxrT6f What were the punishments for crimes against the person in Norman England?The wergild for murder and corporal punishments for assault.What were the punishments for crimes against the person in Norman England?n߳`! ypr{(?($@SrT6f What were the punishments for crimes against property in Norman England?Fines, corporal punishments, and public hanging for arson.What were the punishments for crimes against property in Norman England?߳^ !y vYz>lz|&l@rT6f What was the punishment for treason in Norman England?Public hanging.What was the punishment for treason in Norman England?߳\ !u y7wMzKk1]NrT6f What was the punishment for arson in Norman England?Public hanging.What was the punishment for arson in Norman England?H߳Z!_ A^ilBbI:HdrT6f What was the punishment for forging coins in Norman England?The hand of the person would be chopped off.What was the punishment for forging coins in Norman England?.߳X !9y DjM(|sT;^=rT6f What were the punishments for theft in Norman England?Fines and corporal punishments.What were the punishments for theft in Norman England?x߳V! 9 mPLw`5+;o,rT6f What were the punishments for public disorder, such as drunkenness, in Norman England?Public humiliation in stocks or pillory.What were the punishments for public disorder, such as drunkenness, in Norman England? ߳T !ww l3&}^#o1[6rT6f What was the punishment for murder in Norman England?A fine called the wergild was paid to the victim's family as compensation, preventing the victim's family from seeking revenge.What was the punishment for murder in Norman England?1߳R! N.`Rl[t!i=rT6f What were the punishments for crimes against authority in Norman England?The most severe punishment, death, was given for crimes against authority, such as rebellion against the new Norman rulers.What were the punishments for crimes against authority in Norman England?1߳P !={ c%=[qGytmNrT6f What was the punishment for poaching in Norman England?It is not mentioned in the text.What was the punishment for poaching in Norman England?t߳N!! h_!L.X?DgxrT6f What were the punishments for crimes against the person in Norman England?The wergild for murder and corporal punishments for assault.What were the punishments for crimes against the person in Norman England?n߳L! ypr{(?($@SrT6f What were the punishments for crimes against property in Norman England?Fines, corporal punishments, and public hanging for arson.What were the punishments for crimes against property in Norman England?߳J !y vYz>lz|&l@rT6f What was the punishment for treason in Norman England?Public hanging.What was the punishment for treason in Norman England?߳H !u y7wMzKk1]NrT6f What was the punishment for arson in Norman England?Public hanging.What was the punishment for arson in Norman England?H߳F!_ A^ilBbI:HdrT6f What was the punishment for forging coins in Norman England?The hand of the person would be chopped off.What was the punishment for forging coins in Norman England?.߳D !9y DjM(|sT;^=rT6f What were the punishments for theft in Norman England?Fines and corporal punishments.What were the punishments for theft in Norman England?x߳B! 9 mPLw`5+;o,rT6f What were the punishments for public disorder, such as drunkenness, in Norman England?Public humiliation in stocks or pillory.What were the punishments for public disorder, such as drunkenness, in Norman England?PK3YCmedia{}PK3Ycollection.anki2PK3YC.mediaPKqS