col1,col2 What is fundamental attribution error theory?,Tendency to attribute others' behavior to internal factors while overlooking external factors Give an example of fundamental attribution error.,Blaming a person for being late without considering factors like traffic What are the factors that affect our attributions?,External (situational influences on behavior) and internal (personal characteristics influencing behavior) What is the connection between attitudes and actions?,Attitudes can influence corresponding behaviors Give an example of the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.,Agreeing to sign a petition before being asked to volunteer time for a cause How does role playing affect attitudes?,Adopting a new role can lead to a change in attitudes What is cognitive dissonance theory?,The discomfort felt when holding conflicting beliefs or attitudes What is persuasion?,Changing attitudes through communication What are the two routes of persuasion?,Peripheral route (influenced by incidental cues) and central route (focuses on the content of the message) What are norms?,Shared expectations about appropriate behavior What is conformity?,Adjusting behavior to align with a group standard What is compliance?,Agreeing to a request or demand What is normative social influence?,Conforming to gain approval or avoid disapproval What is informational social influence?,Conforming to others' behavior because they provide information What did Milgram's obedience experiment investigate?,The influence of authority on obedience What is group behavior?,How people act in a group setting What is social facilitation?,Improved performance in the presence of others What is social loafing?,Reduced effort when working in a group What is deindividuation?,Loss of self-awareness and restraint in a group What is the just world phenomenon?,The belief that the world is just and people get what they deserve What is scapegoat theory?,Blaming an out-group for one's frustration What is the fundamental attribution error?,Overemphasizing internal factors when explaining others' behavior What is self-serving bias?,Attributing positive events to internal factors and negative events to external factors What are cognitive shortcuts?,Mental shortcuts that ease cognitive load What factors contribute to aggressive behavior?,"Genetic influence, neural influence, and biochemical influence" What is the frustration-aggression principle?,Frustration leads to aggression What is a social script?,Culturally provided mental instructions for how to act How does reinforcement and modeling influence behavior?,Rewarding certain behaviors while imitating observed behaviors What was Zimbardo's prison experiment about?,Studying social roles and behavior by simulating a prison environment What is prosocial behavior?,"Positive, constructive, and helpful behavior" What are the factors that influence attraction?,"Proximity, physical attractiveness, and similarity" What is self-disclosure?,Revealing intimate aspects of oneself What is altruism?,Unselfish concern for others' welfare What is the arousal-cost-reward model for helping?,"The decision to help is influenced by arousal, cost, and potential rewards" What is bystander intervention?,The likelihood of helping decreases as the number of bystanders increase What is the social exchange theory?,People help when the benefits outweigh the costs What is conflict?,"Perceived incompatibility of actions, goals, or ideas" What are social traps?,Actions that harm collective well-being by focusing on individual interests What are mirror image perceptions?,Reciprocal views of each other held by parties in conflict What are self-fulfilling prophecies?,"Believing something will happen, making it more likely to occur" What is the decision-making model for helping behavior?,"Outlines steps including noticing, interpreting, and taking responsibility" What are superordinate goals?,Shared goals that override differences and reduce conflict