col1,col2 What is Django?,Django is a high-level Python web framework that enables the rapid development of secure and maintainable websites. What is the latest version of Django?,The latest version of Django is 3.2. What is the command to create a new Django project?,The command to create a new Django project is 'django-admin startproject projectname'. What is the command to create a new Django app?,The command to create a new Django app is 'python startapp appname'. What is the purpose of the '' file in a Django project?,"The '' file contains all the settings for a Django project, such as database configuration, installed apps, and middleware." What is the purpose of the '' file in a Django app?,"The '' file contains the URL patterns for a Django app, which map URLs to views." What is a view in Django?,A view is a Python function that takes a web request and returns a web response. What is a model in Django?,"A model is a Python class that represents a database table, and is used to interact with the database." What is a migration in Django?,"A migration is a Python file that contains instructions for changing the database schema, and is used to keep the database schema in sync with the models." What is the command to create a new migration?,The command to create a new migration is 'python makemigrations'. What is the command to apply migrations to the database?,The command to apply migrations to the database is 'python migrate'. What is the purpose of the '' file in a Django app?,"The '' file is used to register models with the Django admin site, which provides a web-based interface for managing the database." What is the purpose of the '' file in a Django app?,The '' file is used to define forms for creating and editing model instances. What is the purpose of the 'templates' directory in a Django app?,The 'templates' directory contains HTML templates that are used to render views. What is the purpose of the 'static' directory in a Django app?,"The 'static' directory contains static files such as CSS, JavaScript, and images." What is the purpose of the 'media' directory in a Django project?,The 'media' directory is used to store user-uploaded files. What is the purpose of the 'middleware' in Django?,Middleware is a way to add extra functionality to the request/response processing in Django. What is the purpose of the 'context processors' in Django?,Context processors are functions that add variables to the context of every template rendering. What is the purpose of the 'signals' in Django?,Signals are a way to allow certain senders to notify a set of receivers that some action has taken place. What is the purpose of the 'cache' in Django?,"The cache is a way to store data that is expensive to compute, so that it can be quickly retrieved later." What is the purpose of the 'sessions' in Django?,"Sessions are a way to store data that is specific to a particular user, and can be accessed across multiple requests." What is the purpose of the 'authentication' in Django?,"Authentication is a way to verify the identity of a user, and is used to restrict access to certain parts of a website." What is the purpose of the 'authorization' in Django?,"Authorization is a way to determine whether a user has permission to perform a certain action, and is used to restrict access to certain parts of a website." What is the purpose of the 'testing' in Django?,"Testing is a way to ensure that a Django application works as expected, and can be used to catch bugs before they are deployed to production." What is the purpose of the 'logging' in Django?,"Logging is a way to record information about the behavior of a Django application, and can be used to diagnose problems." What is the purpose of the 'debugging' in Django?,Debugging is a way to find and fix errors in a Django application. What is the purpose of the 'deployment' in Django?,"Deployment is the process of making a Django application available to users, and involves configuring a web server and database server." What is the purpose of the 'virtual environment' in Django?,"A virtual environment is a way to create an isolated Python environment for a Django project, which allows for different versions of packages to be installed without interfering with each other." What is the purpose of the 'requirements.txt' file in a Django project?,The 'requirements.txt' file is used to specify the Python packages that are required for a Django project to run. What is the purpose of the 'Procfile' file in a Django project?,The 'Procfile' file is used to specify the command to run a Django application on a platform like Heroku. What is the purpose of the 'runtime.txt' file in a Django project?,The 'runtime.txt' file is used to specify the version of Python to use for a Django project. What is the purpose of the 'Pipfile' file in a Django project?,"The 'Pipfile' file is used to specify the Python packages that are required for a Django project to run, and is used by the pipenv package manager." What is the purpose of the 'Pipfile.lock' file in a Django project?,"The 'Pipfile.lock' file is used to specify the exact versions of Python packages that are required for a Django project to run, and is used by the pipenv package manager." What is the purpose of the '' file in a Django project?,"The '' file is used to specify the Python packages that are required for a Django project to run, and is used by the pip-tools package." What is the purpose of the 'requirements.txt' file in a Django project?,"The 'requirements.txt' file is used to specify the exact versions of Python packages that are required for a Django project to run, and is generated by the pip-tools package." What is the purpose of the 'pytest' package in Django?,"The pytest package is a testing framework for Python, and is commonly used for testing Django applications." What is the purpose of the 'coverage' package in Django?,"The coverage package is a tool for measuring code coverage in Python, and is commonly used for testing Django applications." What is the purpose of the 'flake8' package in Django?,"The flake8 package is a tool for checking Python code for style and syntax errors, and is commonly used for developing Django applications." What is the purpose of the 'black' package in Django?,"The black package is a tool for automatically formatting Python code, and is commonly used for developing Django applications." What is the purpose of the 'pre-commit' package in Django?,"The pre-commit package is a tool for running checks on code before it is committed to a version control system, and is commonly used for developing Django applications." What is the purpose of the 'django-debug-toolbar' package in Django?,"The django-debug-toolbar package is a tool for debugging Django applications, and provides a web-based interface for inspecting requests and responses." What is the purpose of the 'django-extensions' package in Django?,"The django-extensions package is a collection of extensions for Django, and provides additional functionality such as shell commands and management commands." What is the purpose of the 'django-crispy-forms' package in Django?,"The django-crispy-forms package is a tool for creating forms in Django, and provides a way to easily create and customize form layouts." What is the purpose of the 'django-allauth' package in Django?,"The django-allauth package is a tool for handling user authentication and registration in Django, and provides support for social authentication providers such as Google and Facebook." What is the purpose of the 'django-rest-framework' package in Django?,"The django-rest-framework package is a tool for building RESTful APIs in Django, and provides a way to easily serialize and deserialize data." What is the purpose of the 'django-filter' package in Django?,"The django-filter package is a tool for filtering querysets in Django, and provides a way to easily create complex filters for models." What is the purpose of the 'django-cors-headers' package in Django?,"The django-cors-headers package is a tool for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in Django, and provides a way to easily configure CORS settings." What is the purpose of the 'django-environ' package in Django?,"The django-environ package is a tool for managing environment variables in Django, and provides a way to easily configure settings using environment variables."