col1,col2 What is Django?,Django is a high-level Python web framework that enables the rapid development of secure and maintainable websites. What is i18n?,"i18n is an abbreviation for internationalization, which is the process of designing software applications to support multiple languages and cultural conventions." What is l10n?,"l10n is an abbreviation for localization, which is the process of adapting software applications to meet the language, cultural, and other specific requirements of a particular country or region." What is the purpose of i18n and l10n in Django?,The purpose of i18n and l10n in Django is to enable developers to create websites that can be easily translated into multiple languages and adapted to meet the specific requirements of different regions. What are the key components of Django's i18n and l10n support?,"The key components of Django's i18n and l10n support include translation files, translation functions, and language-specific settings." What are translation files in Django?,Translation files in Django are files that contain translations of text strings used in a website into different languages. What are translation functions in Django?,Translation functions in Django are functions that enable developers to translate text strings in their code into different languages. What are language-specific settings in Django?,Language-specific settings in Django are settings that enable developers to configure their website to support different languages and cultural conventions. What is the default language in Django?,The default language in Django is English. How can you change the default language in Django?,You can change the default language in Django by setting the LANGUAGE_CODE variable in your settings file. What is the purpose of the gettext library in Django?,The purpose of the gettext library in Django is to enable developers to extract text strings from their code and create translation files for different languages. What is the format of a translation file in Django?,"The format of a translation file in Django is a .po file, which contains a list of text strings and their translations in a specific language." What is the purpose of the compilemessages command in Django?,The purpose of the compilemessages command in Django is to compile translation files into binary .mo files that can be used by the website. What is the purpose of the makemessages command in Django?,The purpose of the makemessages command in Django is to extract text strings from your code and create translation files for different languages. What is the purpose of the LANGUAGE_CODE setting in Django?,The purpose of the LANGUAGE_CODE setting in Django is to set the default language for your website. What is the purpose of the LANGUAGES setting in Django?,The purpose of the LANGUAGES setting in Django is to define the list of languages that your website supports. What is the purpose of the LOCALE_PATHS setting in Django?,The purpose of the LOCALE_PATHS setting in Django is to specify the directories where your translation files are located. What is the purpose of the translation.activate() function in Django?,The purpose of the translation.activate() function in Django is to activate a specific language for translation. What is the purpose of the translation.deactivate() function in Django?,The purpose of the translation.deactivate() function in Django is to deactivate the current language for translation. What is the purpose of the translation.gettext() function in Django?,The purpose of the translation.gettext() function in Django is to translate a text string into the current language. What is the purpose of the translation.ugettext() function in Django?,The purpose of the translation.ugettext() function in Django is to translate a text string into the current language and return a Unicode string. What is the purpose of the translation.gettext_lazy() function in Django?,"The purpose of the translation.gettext_lazy() function in Django is to translate a text string into the current language lazily, which means that the translation is not performed until the text string is actually used." What is the purpose of the translation.ugettext_lazy() function in Django?,The purpose of the translation.ugettext_lazy() function in Django is to translate a text string into the current language lazily and return a Unicode string. What is the purpose of the translation.pgettext() function in Django?,The purpose of the translation.pgettext() function in Django is to translate a text string into the current language with a specific context. What is the purpose of the translation.ngettext() function in Django?,The purpose of the translation.ngettext() function in Django is to translate a text string into the current language with proper pluralization. What is the purpose of the translation.ungettext() function in Django?,The purpose of the translation.ungettext() function in Django is to translate a text string into the current language with proper pluralization and return a Unicode string. What is the purpose of the translation.npgettext() function in Django?,The purpose of the translation.npgettext() function in Django is to translate a text string into the current language with proper pluralization and a specific context.