col1,col2 "Question, 我爱你。","Answer, I love you." "Question, 请给我一杯水。","Answer, Please give me a glass of water." "Question, 我们去北京。","Answer, We're going to Beijing." "Question, 这是我的书。","Answer, This is my book." "Question, 你吃了吗?","Answer, Have you eaten?" "Question, 我需要一辆出租车。","Answer, I need a taxi." "Question, 你的电话号码是多少?","Answer, What is your phone number?" "Question, 你在哪里工作?","Answer, Where do you work?" "Question, 你的狗在哪里?","Answer, Where is your dog?" "Question, 我们明天见。","Answer, See you tomorrow." "Question, 你的名字是什么?","Answer, What is your name?" "Question, 今天是星期几?","Answer, What day is it today?" "Question, 你喜欢吃苹果吗?","Answer, Do you like to eat apples?" "Question, 今天天气很好。","Answer, The weather is very good today." "Question, 你的生日是几月几号?","Answer, When is your birthday?" "Question, 我的妈妈是老师。","Answer, My mother is a teacher." "Question, 我想买一本书。","Answer, I want to buy a book." "Question, 这个电影很有意思。","Answer, This movie is very interesting." "Question, 我要去医院。","Answer, I need to go to the hospital." "Question, 我会说一点儿汉语。","Answer, I can speak a little Chinese." "Question, 你有兄弟姐妹吗?","Answer, Do you have any siblings?" "Question, 这个菜太辣了。","Answer, This dish is too spicy." "Question, 明天会下雨吗?","Answer, Will it rain tomorrow?" "Question, 我的电脑坏了。","Answer, My computer is broken." "Question, 这件衣服很漂亮。","Answer, This piece of clothing is very beautiful." "Question, 这是我最喜欢的歌。","Answer, This is my favorite song." "Question, 我们一起去商店吧。","Answer, Let's go to the shop together." "Question, 我每天早上七点起床。","Answer, I wake up at seven every morning." "Question, 你可以帮我吗?","Answer, Can you help me?" "Question, 你的中文说得很好。","Answer, You speak Chinese very well." "Question, 这个苹果很甜。","Answer, This apple is very sweet." "Question, 我要去银行取钱。","Answer, I need to go to the bank to withdraw money." "Question, 你认识那个人吗?","Answer, Do you know that person?" "Question, 我喜欢吃中国菜。","Answer, I like to eat Chinese food." "Question, 我的手机丢了。","Answer, I lost my mobile phone." "Question, 我不喜欢吃辣的。","Answer, I don't like to eat spicy food." "Question, 他是我的好朋友。","Answer, He is my good friend." "Question, 我在学习汉语。","Answer, I am studying Chinese." "Question, 我想喝杯咖啡。","Answer, I want to drink a cup of coffee." "Question, 这个字怎么写?","Answer, How to write this character?" "Question, 我的中文名字是李华。","Answer, My Chinese name is Li Hua." "Question, 他每天都去健身房。","Answer, He goes to the gym every day." "Question, 你的房子在哪里?","Answer, Where is your house?" "Question, 这个电视太旧了。","Answer, This TV is too old." "Question, 我明天要去上班。","Answer, I have to go to work tomorrow." "Question, 这儿的风景很美。","Answer, The scenery here is very beautiful." "Question, 我可以用你的电脑吗?","Answer, Can I use your computer?" "Question, 我的生日是五月十号。","Answer, My birthday is on May 10th." "Question, 我喜欢听音乐。","Answer, I like to listen to music." "Question, 我要学习新的词汇。","Answer, I want to learn new vocabulary."