col1,col2 What are the two types of long-term memory?,Explicit/Declarative and Implicit/Nondeclarative What are the two types of explicit/declarative memory?,Episodic and Semantic What are the two types of implicit/nondeclarative memory?,Procedural and Emotional/Reflexive What is eidetic memory?,Photographic memory What is reproductive memory?,Memory reproduced with high fidelity (exact recall) What is selective attention?,Task with distraction What is divided attention?,Multiple tasks What is the difference between operant and classical conditioning?,"Operant conditioning is based on positive/negative reinforcement and punishment, while classical conditioning involves the reward pathway" What are the different schedules of reinforcement?,"Fixed Ratio, Variable Ratio, Fixed Interval, Variable Interval" What is the response rate and extinction in fixed ratio schedule?,"Steady response rate, higher ratio leads to more difficulty in extinction" What is the response rate and extinction in variable ratio schedule?,"Constant response rate, most resistance to extinction" What is the response rate and extinction in fixed interval schedule?,"Moderate response rate, longer interval leads to more resistance to extinction" What is the response rate and extinction in variable interval schedule?,"Moderate response rate, more resistance to extinction than fixed" "If a reinforcing stimulus is aversive, can it be a positive reinforcer?",No What type of reinforcement is it when a rat is shocked and escapes to the other side of the box?,Negative reinforcement What is escape learning?,"Performing a behavior to terminate an ongoing, unpleasant, aversive stimulus" What is avoidance learning?,Avoiding a threat or unpleasantness before the undesirable stimulus What is acquisition in classical conditioning?,The period of initial learning where a neutral stimulus is connected to an unconditioned stimulus What are the different types of research studies?,"Experimental, Observational, Case-control, Case study, Meta-analysis" What is a randomized controlled trial?,An experimental study where participants are randomly assigned to different groups What is a nonrandomized design?,An experimental study where participants are not randomly assigned to different groups What is a longitudinal study?,An observational study that assesses risk factors and outcomes over a long period of time What is a cross-sectional study?,An observational study that determines prevalence in a population at a specific point in time What is a case-control study?,An observational study where data is gathered from cases and controls What is a case study?,A study that provides detailed information about one or a small group of individuals What is a meta-analysis study?,A study that combines and analyzes data from multiple studies Why is it unethical to have a placebo group involving a sham surgery?,Because it involves subjecting participants to unnecessary risk What is generalizability in research?,The ability to apply the results of a study to real life or other places What is experimenter/selection bias?,When researchers deliberately or inadvertently influence study outcomes What is ethical research?,Research that requires all participants to voluntarily participate What is the Hawthorne effect?,A change in research participants' behavior as a result of their awareness that they are being observed What is a double-blind study?,A study where neither the participant nor the researcher know the conditions What is a single-blind study?,A study where the participant doesn't know the conditions but the researcher does What are Piaget's stages of development?,"Preoperational, Concrete operational, Formal operational" What is Mead's theory of social self?,"Preparatory stage, Play stage, Game stage" What is the interactionist theory of language development?,Language acquisition is both biological and social What is Roger's humanistic theory?,Full acceptance of the client (unconditional positive regard) What is Beck's cognitive theory?,Cognitive appraisal influences behavior What is the Thomas theorem?,"If you believe something, it will affect your behavior regardless of reality" What is intelligence according to Spearman?,G Factor - general intelligence What is intelligence according to Thurstone?,7 Fundamental Abilities What is intelligence according to Sternberg?,"Triarchic Theory - Creative, Analytical, Practical" What is intelligence according to Gardner?,Multiple Intelligences What are the different theories of emotion?,"James-Lange, Cannon-Bard, Schachter-Singer, Lazarus" What is the ABC model of attitude?,"Attitude has an affective, behavioral, and cognitive component" What is emotional intelligence?,The ability to delay gratification for long-term rewards What is the cognitive process of missappraisal of body sense?,Cognitive process What is anomie?,Loss of familiar norms leading to disconnectedness What is the difference between informational influence and normative influence?,"Informational influence is driven by lack of knowledge, while normative influence is driven by the desire to be accepted" What is group polarization?,The phenomenon where group opinions become more extreme What is social desirability?,The drive to give responses/act in a manner that is more in line with societal norms What is social loafing?,The tendency for individuals to slack off in groups What is groupthink?,The tendency for groups to make decisions without critical evaluation and dissent What is self-serving bias?,The tendency to alter perception of causality to preserve self-esteem What is attribution error?,The tendency to attribute others' behaviors to internal factors What is the halo effect?,The tendency to assume positive traits about someone because of other desirable traits What is the theory of planned behavior?,"Norms, attitudes, and perceived control affect decisions" What is primary appraisal?,The evaluation of a situation to determine whether a threat is present What is the expectancy theory?,Beliefs inform goal-directed behavior What is the arousal theory?,People are motivated to increase or decrease their arousal to ideal levels What is approach-avoidance conflict?,When one option has both positive and negative aspects What is double approach-avoidance?,When there are two options with positive and negative aspects What is exchange theory?,The rational choice theory in practice What is the elaboration likelihood model?,Communication changes an individual's attitudes What is money considered in terms of reinforcement?,Secondary reinforcer What is drive theory?,The theory centered on the need to maintain homeostasis What is self-verification?,The tendency to look for information that aligns with our own sense of self-concept and identity What is locus of control?,The perceived control over a situation What is the difference between internal and external locus of control?,"Internal locus of control refers to perceiving control from within oneself, while external locus of control refers to perceiving control from external factors" What is the sociological concept of aging?,"The lens of the eye becomes less flexible with age, leading to difficulty in seeing objects up close" What are cataracts?,Clouding of the lens of the eye with age What is stress?,The body's response to a perceived threat or challenge What is the relationship between GAD and arousal?,Chronic stress can lead to exhaustion and an inability to resist the impact of stressors "What is the role of the amygdala, hypothalamus, and hippocampus in stress?",They are involved in the stress response What are stimulants in relation to stress?,They are stressors that can lead to increased brain glucose consumption What is Parkinson's disease?,A neurological disorder characterized by the loss of dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra of the basal ganglia What are parasomnias?,Abnormal behaviors during sleep What are dyssomnias?,Disorders that impact the quality and quantity of sleep What is the kinesthetic sense?,Awareness of the movements of the body What is somatosensation?,The sense of touch and proprioception What is signal detection theory?,A theory that explains how we detect signals in the presence of noise What is Weber's law?,The change in a stimulus required for it to be just noticeable is a constant ratio of the original stimulus What are the receptors involved in olfaction?,Odorant-specific chemoreceptors that are GPCRs What is the process of hearing?,"Sound waves are converted into vibrations of hair cells, which then activate ion channels responsible for auditory signaling" What are the structures involved in hearing?,"Tympanic membrane (eardrum), ossicles, cochlea, oval window, round window" What are the depth cues in vision?,Monocular cues (retinal height and relative size) and binocular cues (retinal disparity) What is the central vision?,"Highly acute, sharp, clear vision in the fovea" What is peripheral vision?,Highly sensitive vision produced by rod photoreceptors in dim conditions What is the point of fixation in vision?,The area between the eyes where peripheral vision is focused What are the pathways involved in visual processing?,Magno pathway (motion and depth) and Parvo pathway (color and form) What is the role of the hypothalamus?,"It is responsible for primary drives such as food, sex, and hunger" What is the role of the thalamus?,"It acts as a sensory relay, except for smell" What is the role of the parietal lobe?,It is responsible for proprioception (spatial processing) and somatosensation What happens to the brain during REM sleep?,"The prefrontal cortex decreases in activity, the amygdala and hippocampus are active" What is the role of the SCN in the hypothalamus?,It regulates the circadian pacemaker and pineal gland activity What is REM rebound?,The increased amount of REM sleep following a period of insufficient REM sleep What is motion parallax?,The perception that objects closer to you move faster than objects farther away What is cognitive aging?,The aging process does not diminish a person's ability to retrieve general information What is the illness experience?,The process of being ill and how individuals make meaning out of it What is the sick role?,A state of deviance where individuals seek to get well What happens to the lens of the eye with age?,"It becomes less flexible, leading to difficulty in seeing objects up close" What are cataracts?,Clouding of the lens of the eye with age What is the relationship between chronic sympathetic activation and reproductive and immune function?,It can compromise reproductive and immune function What is the difference between intra and inter?,"Intra means within, while inter means between" What is brain imaging used for?,To study the structure and function of the brain What are the different types of brain imaging for structure?,CT (computed tomography) and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) What are the different types of brain imaging for function?,PET (positron emission tomography) and fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) What is the function of the medulla oblongata?,Respiratory muscle control and reflexes What is the function of the pons?,Sets the ventilatory rate via control of the tidal volume Which hemisphere is language lateralized to?,The left hemisphere What is NMDA?,A type of glutamate receptor What are the primary drives controlled by the hypothalamus?,"Food, sex, and hunger" What is the function of the thalamus?,"It acts as a sensory relay, except for smell" What is the function of the parietal lobe?,It is responsible for proprioception and somatosensation What happens to the brain during sleep?,"The prefrontal cortex decreases in activity, the amygdala and hippocampus are active" What is the role of the SCN in the hypothalamus?,It regulates the circadian pacemaker and pineal gland activity What is REM rebound?,The increased amount of REM sleep following a period of insufficient REM sleep What is motion parallax?,The perception that objects closer to you move faster than objects farther away What is the relationship between cognitive aging and a person's ability to retrieve general information?,Cognitive aging does not diminish a person's ability to retrieve general information What is the Malthusian theory of population growth/decline?,It posits that population growth is controlled by preventative checks (reducing birth rates) and positive checks (increasing death rates) What are the different types of capital?,"Economic, Social, and Cultural" What is medicalization?,Describing a type of behavior as a symptom of underlying illness that should be treated by a doctor What is the diathesis-stress model?,It integrates biological predispositions and environmental factors in understanding pathology What is the difference between race and ethnicity?,"Race is based on perceived physical characteristics, while ethnicity is based on culture and ancestry" What is evolutionary game theory?,It explains how animals act altruistically as they expect reciprocal altruism What is urban growth?,The growth of urban land over time What is rural flight?,The movement of people from rural areas to urban areas within a country What is content analysis?,A sociological method used to make inferences about a group's communication What caused the increase in the population of individuals aged 65 and older?,The baby boom and increased fertility post-WWII What is the difference between dyads and triads?,"Larger groups are more stable and less intimate, and social ties are less likely to be broken" What is conflict theory?,"It calls attention to competition among social groups, including generational conflict" What is class consciousness?,The understanding of one's social class What is false consciousness?,The inability to realize the true nature of one's place in society What is strain theory?,It posits that deviant behaviors result from the disconnect between goals and the means for achieving those goals What is labeling theory?,"It explains how primary deviance can lead to stigma and labels, which in turn lead to secondary (serious) deviance" What is differential association?,"It explains how individuals learn specific deviant behaviors, values, and norms through interaction" What is the social gradient of health?,"Wealthier individuals live longer on average compared to middle-class individuals, and middle-class individuals live longer than poor individuals" What is the dependency ratio?,The number of economically dependent members in the population divided by the number of economically productive members What is the life course perspective?,"It states that environmental factors, behaviors, and stressors from an early age can influence later life and health outcomes" What is a token economy?,It uses tokens as secondary reinforcers to encourage desired behaviors What is teacher expectancy?,"It is the belief of a teacher about a student, which can influence the student's performance" What is mobility?,The ability to move from one social class or socioeconomic status to another What is horizontal mobility?,A change of roles within the same social class What is vertical mobility?,A change in someone's socioeconomic status What is structural mobility?,Mobility on a population level due to macro social change What is role strain?,Competing demands within one role What is role conflict?,Conflicting demands from multiple roles What is Weber's ideal bureaucracy?,"Employees are selected based on technical qualifications, specialized in a limited number of tasks, decisions are based on organized hierarchy, and employee evaluation is based on standardized rules" What is global systems theory?,It describes how core nations export goods and periphery nations export resources What is social stratification?,"The hierarchical organization of social class, social status, and power" What are the major types of capital?,"Economic, Social, and Cultural" What is prejudice?,Cognitive or affective biases or attitudes towards a certain group What is discrimination?,Behavioral actions or practices that result in differential treatment of individuals based on their group membership What is medicalization?,The process of describing a type of behavior as a symptom of an underlying illness that should be treated by a doctor What is the diathesis-stress model?,It integrates biological predispositions and environmental factors in understanding pathology What is the difference between race and ethnicity?,"Race is based on perceived physical characteristics, while ethnicity is based on culture and ancestry" What is evolutionary game theory?,It explains how animals act altruistically as they expect reciprocal altruism What is urban growth?,The growth of urban land over time What is rural flight?,The movement of people from rural areas to urban areas within a country What is content analysis?,A sociological method used to make inferences about a group's communication What caused the increase in the population of individuals aged 65 and older?,The baby boom and increased fertility post-WWII What is the difference between dyads and triads?,"Larger groups are more stable and less intimate, and social ties are less likely to be broken" What is conflict theory?,"It calls attention to competition among social groups, including generational conflict" What is class consciousness?,The understanding of one's social class What is false consciousness?,The inability to realize the true nature of one's place in society What is strain theory?,It posits that deviant behaviors result from the disconnect between goals and the means for achieving those goals What is labeling theory?,"It explains how primary deviance can lead to stigma and labels, which in turn lead to secondary (serious) deviance" What is differential association?,"It explains how individuals learn specific deviant behaviors, values, and norms through interaction" What is the social gradient of health?,"Wealthier individuals live longer on average compared to middle-class individuals, and middle-class individuals live longer than poor individuals" What is the dependency ratio?,The number of economically dependent members in the population divided by the number of economically productive members What is the life course perspective?,"It states that environmental factors, behaviors, and stressors from an early age can influence later life and health outcomes" What is a token economy?,It uses tokens as secondary reinforcers to encourage desired behaviors What is teacher expectancy?,"It is the belief of a teacher about a student, which can influence the student's performance" What is mobility?,The ability to move from one social class or socioeconomic status to another What is horizontal mobility?,A change of roles within the same social class What is vertical mobility?,A change in someone's socioeconomic status What is structural mobility?,Mobility on a population level due to macro social change What is role strain?,Competing demands within one role What is role conflict?,Conflicting demands from multiple roles What is Weber's ideal bureaucracy?,"Employees are selected based on technical qualifications, specialized in a limited number of tasks, decisions are based on organized hierarchy, and employee evaluation is based on standardized rules" What is global systems theory?,It describes how core nations export goods and periphery nations export resources What is social stratification?,"The hierarchical organization of social class, social status, and power" What are the major types of capital?,"Economic, Social, and Cultural" What is economic capital?,"Money, income, and property" What is social capital?,"Connections, networks, and social relationships" What is cultural capital?,"Education, knowledge, and skills" What is the demographic transition?,The transition from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates What is cultural diffusion?,"The spread of cultural beliefs, ideas, and practices from one group to another" What is cultural transmission?,The passing of knowledge and values from one generation to the next within a group What are co-workers in secondary groups?,Individuals who work together but do not have strong personal relationships What happens to reproductive and immune function with chronic sympathetic activation?,They can be compromised What is the difference between intra and inter?,"Intra means within, while inter means between"