col1,col2 What is pancreatitis?,Pancreatitis is inflammation in your pancreas. What are the symptoms of pancreatitis?,The primary symptom of pancreatitis is abdominal pain. What are the different types of pancreatitis?,"There are two types of pancreatitis, acute and chronic." What is acute pancreatitis?,"Acute pancreatitis is a temporary condition that happens when your pancreas is attempting to recover from a minor, short-term injury." What is chronic pancreatitis?,"Chronic pancreatitis is a long-term, progressive condition that gets worse over time." How common is pancreatitis?,"In the U.S., acute pancreatitis leads to 275,000 hospital stays per year and chronic pancreatitis leads to 86,000 hospital stays per year." What causes acute pancreatitis?,Acute pancreatitis is most often caused by gallstones blocking the pancreatic duct or by alcohol. What causes chronic pancreatitis?,Chronic pancreatitis is caused by repeated episodes of acute pancreatitis or by inherited disorders. What are the symptoms of acute pancreatitis?,"Symptoms of acute pancreatitis may include nausea and vomiting, fast heart rate, fast, shallow breathing, and fever." What are the symptoms of chronic pancreatitis?,"Symptoms of chronic pancreatitis may include indigestion and pain after eating, loss of appetite and unintended weight loss, fatty poops that leave an oily film in the toilet, and lightheadedness." What does the pain of pancreatitis feel like?,Abdominal pain from pancreatitis may be moderate to severe and may radiate to your back. What makes the pain of pancreatitis worse?,"The pain of pancreatitis may feel worse when lying flat, coughing, exercising, or eating more." What makes the pain of pancreatitis better?,"The pain of pancreatitis may feel better when sitting upright, leaning forward, curling in a ball, or eating less." What symptoms indicate that your pancreas isn't working properly?,"When your pancreas isn't working properly, you may experience discomfort after eating, pass undigested fats in your poop, and experience weight loss." What are the most common causes of pancreatitis?,The most common causes of pancreatitis are gallstones and heavy drinking. What is gallstone pancreatitis?,"Gallstone pancreatitis occurs when a gallstone blocks the drainage of pancreatic juice from the pancreatic duct, causing inflammation and digestive enzyme activation." What is alcohol-induced pancreatitis?,"Alcohol use is a clear cause of pancreatitis, though the exact mechanism is not fully understood." What are the less common causes of pancreatitis?,"Less common causes of pancreatitis include infections, autoimmune disease, inherited gene mutations, complications of cystic fibrosis, high blood triglyceride levels, high blood calcium levels, ischemia, cancer, traumatic injury, and certain medications." Do acute and chronic pancreatitis have the same causes?,"Most of the time, pancreatitis is acute and temporary, but chronic causes that don't go away can lead to chronic pancreatitis." Can you die from pancreatitis?,"Complications of acute pancreatitis can be fatal in severe cases, leading to shock and multiple organ failure." What are the possible complications of pancreatitis?,"Complications of pancreatitis can include necrosis and infection, pancreatic pseudocysts, chronic pancreatitis, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, malabsorption and malnutrition, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia and Type 1 diabetes, chronic pain, and increased risk of pancreatic cancer." How is pancreatitis diagnosed?,Pancreatitis is diagnosed through blood tests to check pancreatic enzyme levels and imaging tests such as CT scans or MRIs. How is acute pancreatitis treated?,"Treatment for acute pancreatitis may include supportive care, pain relief, gallstone removal procedures, antibiotics, and procedures to drain fluid or remove dead tissue." How is chronic pancreatitis treated?,"Treatment for chronic pancreatitis includes pain management, lifestyle changes, enzyme supplements, insulin injections, and in severe cases, surgery." How can pancreatitis be prevented?,"Pancreatitis can be prevented by moderating alcohol consumption, reducing cholesterol to prevent gallstones, quitting alcohol and smoking, and removing the gallbladder if gallstone pancreatitis has occurred." What is the long-term outlook for pancreatitis?,"Most people recover completely from acute pancreatitis, but chronic pancreatitis is a slow-progressing disease that requires ongoing management and can lead to complications." Can you live without your pancreas?,"You can live without your pancreas, but it may make you insulin-dependent and require enzyme supplements." What should you do if you experience symptoms of pancreatitis?,"If you experience symptoms of pancreatitis, you should go to the hospital for evaluation and treatment." What are the common symptoms of acute pancreatitis?,"Common symptoms of acute pancreatitis include abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, fast heart rate, fast, shallow breathing, and fever." What are the common symptoms of chronic pancreatitis?,"Common symptoms of chronic pancreatitis include indigestion and pain after eating, loss of appetite and unintended weight loss, fatty poops that leave an oily film in the toilet, and lightheadedness." What are the common causes of pancreatitis?,The common causes of pancreatitis are gallstones and heavy drinking. How is pancreatitis diagnosed?,Pancreatitis is diagnosed through blood tests to check pancreatic enzyme levels and imaging tests such as CT scans or MRIs. How is pancreatitis treated?,"Treatment for pancreatitis depends on the cause, whether it's acute or chronic, and how severe it is."