col1,col2 What is the estimated lifetime prevalence of schizophrenia?,"1,100 people" What is the worldwide incidence rate of schizophrenia per year?,"8-43 cases per 100,000" What is the median incidence rate of schizophrenia per year?,"15 cases per 100,000" What is the male to female incidence rate ratio of schizophrenia?,"1.4,1" At what age is the diagnosis of schizophrenia typically made?,Late teens to mid-thirties Is pre-adolescent onset of schizophrenia common?,"No, it is rare" What is the modal age at onset of schizophrenia for men?,18-25 years What is the modal age at onset of schizophrenia for women?,25-35 years When does a second peak of onset occur in women?,Around menopause (>40 years) Is early onset of schizophrenia linked to more severe forms?,Yes Which gender tends to have a worse prognosis in schizophrenia?,Men How many symptom domains are described in schizophrenia?,Five What are the five symptom domains in schizophrenia?,"Positive symptoms, negative symptoms, disorganisation, neurocognitive impairment, affective features" What are the positive symptoms in schizophrenia?,Delusions and hallucinations Are positive symptoms required for a diagnosis of schizophrenia?,Yes Are positive symptoms always accompanied by impaired insight?,Yes What are delusions in schizophrenia?,False beliefs that cannot be shaken by logic or reason What are the usual contents of delusions in schizophrenia?,"Persecutory, grandiose, or pseudoscientific" What are hallucinations in schizophrenia?,"Experiencing things that are not there, such as hearing voices" What percentage of psychotic patients experience hallucinations?,75% What is the most common type of hallucination in schizophrenia?,Hearing voices What might hallucinations in other sensory modalities suggest?,"Delirium, dementia, or substance-induced psychosis" What were certain positive symptoms previously considered pathognomonic of schizophrenia?,Kurt Schneider's 'first rank' symptoms What are 'passivity phenomena' in schizophrenia?,"Experiences of one's thoughts, actions, or feelings being controlled by external forces" What are Schneiderian hallucinations in schizophrenia?,"Hearing one's thoughts repeated aloud as a voice, hearing voices discussing the patient, hearing a running commentary about the patient" What are negative symptoms in schizophrenia?,"Affective blunting, reduced speech, diminished motivation, energy, and social engagement" Are negative symptoms mostly associated with schizophrenia?,Yes What can exacerbate negative symptoms in schizophrenia?,Extrapyramidal side effects related to antipsychotic treatment What can negative symptoms be secondary to?,Depression What is disorganisation in schizophrenia?,"Formal thought disorder, attentional impairment, inappropriate affect, and disorganised behaviour" What is speech disorder in schizophrenia?,"Disorganised communication, irrelevant or jumping topics" What is inappropriate affect in schizophrenia?,Facial expression not corresponding to speech content What is neurocognitive impairment in schizophrenia?,"Widespread cognitive changes, reduced reaction times, memory impairment, poor executive function" Do cognitive deficits respond well to conventional antipsychotic treatment?,No What are affective features in schizophrenia?,Manic and depressive symptoms Can depression be part of an acute psychotic episode in schizophrenia?,Yes What percentage of schizophrenia patients commit suicide?,Up to 10% Are symptoms of anxiety and panic common in psychotic disorders?,Yes What are some atypical features that may influence the picture of schizophrenia during acute episodes?,Marked instability of mood and perplexity Do these atypical features predict a good prognosis in schizophrenia?,Yes