col1,col2 What are the ideas proposed by this school?,The ideas proposed by this school are totally opposed to the principles of associationism. Who were the two German psychologists who founded this school?,The two German psychologists who founded this school were Kohler and Wertheimer. What do they reject in their approach?,They reject the associationist approach. How do they define the knowledge?,They define knowledge as anti-atomistic and structuralist. What is the difference between reproductive thinking and productive thinking?,"Reproductive thinking involves applying previously acquired skills or knowledge to new situations, while productive thinking involves discovering a new perceptual or conceptual organization with respect to a problem." What is essential for a productive solution to a problem?,"According to the author, understanding the structural features of the situation beyond its individual elements is essential for a productive solution to a problem." How do problems and learning occur according to the gestaltists?,"According to the gestaltists, problems and learning occur not through the association of elements but through the understanding of the global structure of situations." How does restructuration occur according to the gestaltists?,"The gestaltists believe that restructuration occurs through insight, which is a sudden understanding of the problem." How do monkeys learn according to the studies?,Monkeys learn by reorganizing the elements of the problem after deep reflection. What is the alternative mechanism of learning proposed by the gestaltists?,"The gestaltists propose that learning occurs through insight, which involves understanding the structural relationship between a series of elements that require each other." How does repetition help in understanding the relationship between elements?,Repetition helps in capturing the relationship between elements within the structure. What is the role of trial and error in this approach?,Trial and error becomes a structural verification of significant hypotheses. How does the subject learn according to this approach?,"According to this approach, the subject learns by reinterpreting their failures, not just through success."