i18n by text_form

Amount of flashcards: 30

What is the purpose of the translation.pgettext function in Django?

The purpose of the translation.pgettext function in Django is to retrieve the translation of a given string, taking into account a specific context.

What is the purpose of the translation.npgettext function in Django?

The purpose of the translation.npgettext function in Django is to retrieve the translation of a given string, taking into account plural forms and a specific context.

What is the purpose of the translation.ugettext function in Django?

The purpose of the translation.ugettext function in Django is to retrieve the translation of a given string, returning a Unicode string.

What is the purpose of the translation.ungettext function in Django?

The purpose of the translation.ungettext function in Django is to retrieve the translation of a given string, taking into account plural forms and returning a Unicode string.

What is the purpose of the translation.upgettext function in Django?

The purpose of the translation.upgettext function in Django is to retrieve the translation of a given string, taking into account a specific context and returning a Unicode string.

What is the purpose of the translation.unpgettext function in Django?

The purpose of the translation.unpgettext function in Django is to retrieve the translation of a given string, taking into account plural forms and a specific context, and returning a Unicode string.

What is the purpose of the translation.to_locale function in Django?

The purpose of the translation.to_locale function in Django is to convert a language code to a locale code.

What is the purpose of the translation.to_language function in Django?

The purpose of the translation.to_language function in Django is to convert a locale code to a language code.

What is the purpose of the translation.get_language_info function in Django?

The purpose of the translation.get_language_info function in Django is to retrieve information about a particular language, such as its name and direction.

What is the purpose of the LANGUAGE_CODE setting in Django?

The purpose of the LANGUAGE_CODE setting in Django is to specify the default language for the website.

What is the purpose of the LANGUAGES setting in Django?

The purpose of the LANGUAGES setting in Django is to specify the languages that the website supports.

What is the purpose of the LOCALE_PATHS setting in Django?

The purpose of the LOCALE_PATHS setting in Django is to specify the directories where the message files are located.


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