i18n by text_form

Amount of flashcards: 30

What is the purpose of the LOCALE_PATHS setting in Django?

The purpose of the LOCALE_PATHS setting in Django is to specify the directories where the message files are located.

What is the purpose of the LANGUAGE_SESSION_KEY setting in Django?

The purpose of the LANGUAGE_SESSION_KEY setting in Django is to specify the name of the session key that stores the current language.

What is the purpose of the LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME setting in Django?

The purpose of the LANGUAGE_COOKIE_NAME setting in Django is to specify the name of the cookie that stores the current language.

What is the purpose of the LANGUAGE_COOKIE_AGE setting in Django?

The purpose of the LANGUAGE_COOKIE_AGE setting in Django is to specify the age of the cookie that stores the current language.

What is the purpose of the LANGUAGE_COOKIE_DOMAIN setting in Django?

The purpose of the LANGUAGE_COOKIE_DOMAIN setting in Django is to specify the domain of the cookie that stores the current language.

What is the purpose of the LANGUAGE_COOKIE_PATH setting in Django?

The purpose of the LANGUAGE_COOKIE_PATH setting in Django is to specify the path of the cookie that stores the current language.


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