
Amount of flashcards: 16

What is electrostatics?

The study of electric charges at rest

What is an electric charge?

A fundamental property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field

What is an electric field?

A field of force surrounding a charged particle

What is Coulomb's law?

The law that states that the force between two charged objects is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them

What is an electric dipole?

A pair of equal and opposite electric charges separated by a small distance

What is an electric potential?

The amount of work needed to move a unit charge from a reference point to a specific point in an electric field

What is an electric potential difference?

The difference in electric potential between two points in an electric field

What is capacitance?

The ability of a system to store an electric charge

What is an electric field line?

A line that represents the direction and strength of an electric field

What is an electric flux?

The amount of electric field passing through a given area

What is Gauss's law?

The law that relates the electric flux through a closed surface to the charge enclosed within the surface

What is an electric conductor?

A material that allows electric charges to flow freely through it


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