Eating disorders

Amount of flashcards: 19

How is the severity of anorexia nervosa determined?

Based on BMI, mild, moderate, severe, extreme.

What are some biological factors that contribute to anorexia nervosa?

Genetics, cerebral abnormalities, serotonin dysregulation, zinc deficiency.

What are some psychological factors that contribute to anorexia nervosa?

Personality traits, parental eating disorders, adverse events in early life.

What are some social factors that contribute to anorexia nervosa?

Childhood sexual abuse, childhood upbringing and home environment, occupation, socioeconomic status, social pressure and norms.

What are some clinical features of anorexia nervosa?

Extreme concern about weight and shape, undue influence of body weight or shape on self-evaluation, self-induced weight loss behaviors, body image distortion, lack of recognition of low body weight seriousness.

What are some precipitating factors for anorexia nervosa?

Bereavement, parental divorce, change of school or move to university, academic stress, serious physical illness, bullying, physical or sexual abuse, loss of weight for other reasons.

What are some physical features associated with anorexia nervosa?

Brain, dizziness, mood swings; Hair/skin, dry skin, brittle nails, thin hair; Heart, low blood pressure, irregular slow pulse; Blood, low iron level; Intestines, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, abdominal pain; Hormones, irregular or absent period, loss of libido, infertility; Kidneys, dehydration, kidney failure; Bones, loss of bone calcium, osteoporosis; Muscle, muscle loss, weakness, fatigue.


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