
Amount of flashcards: 40

What are the five symptom domains in schizophrenia?

Positive symptoms, negative symptoms, disorganisation, neurocognitive impairment, affective features

What are the positive symptoms in schizophrenia?

Delusions and hallucinations

Are positive symptoms required for a diagnosis of schizophrenia?


Are positive symptoms always accompanied by impaired insight?


What are delusions in schizophrenia?

False beliefs that cannot be shaken by logic or reason

What are the usual contents of delusions in schizophrenia?

Persecutory, grandiose, or pseudoscientific

What are hallucinations in schizophrenia?

Experiencing things that are not there, such as hearing voices

What percentage of psychotic patients experience hallucinations?


What is the most common type of hallucination in schizophrenia?

Hearing voices

What might hallucinations in other sensory modalities suggest?

Delirium, dementia, or substance-induced psychosis

What were certain positive symptoms previously considered pathognomonic of schizophrenia?

Kurt Schneider's 'first rank' symptoms

What are 'passivity phenomena' in schizophrenia?

Experiences of one's thoughts, actions, or feelings being controlled by external forces


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