
Amount of flashcards: 20

What is the difference between a dynamic characteristic and a static characteristic?

A dynamic characteristic is ever-changing, while a static characteristic is relatively unchanging.

What is the issue of restriction of range or inflation of range in estimating reliability?

It refers to how the sampling procedure used affects the variance of the test scores and, consequently, the resulting correlation coefficient.

Why are traditional ways of estimating reliability not always appropriate for criterion-referenced tests?

Criterion-referenced tests focus on whether a certain criterion score has been achieved, and individual differences between examinees may be minimal, reducing variability.

What is the true score model of measurement?

It is the classical test theory model that assumes everyone has a true score on a test that genuinely reflects their ability or trait level.

What is the definition of true score in classical test theory?

A value that genuinely reflects an individual's ability or trait level as measured by a particular test.

How does the true score vary depending on the test?

The true score can vary greatly between different tests measuring the same ability or trait.

What does a testtaker's true score depend on within the same test?

The difficulty of the items on the test, with different forms of the test potentially yielding different true scores.

What does a testtaker's true score on different tests of the same construct depend on?

The specific items and content of each test, which may differ in how they measure the construct.


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