
Amount of flashcards: 59

What was the role of the king in enforcing laws in Anglo-Saxon England?

The king had the final say on what became a law and what became a crime. He relied on his royal advisors and nobles to help him rule the country.

Who influenced the king's decisions on making laws in Anglo-Saxon England?

The wealthy advisors and nobles who owned lots of land and had influence over the king.

What was the punishment for a serf trespassing onto land owned by someone higher in society in Anglo-Saxon England?

It was considered a crime and could be seen as poaching, which was punishable.

Why was there very little crime in Anglo-Saxon England?

Most people lived in small, isolated communities where everyone knew each other, which deterred people from committing crimes.

How did local communities enforce laws in Anglo-Saxon England?

They used Collective Responsibility, being responsible for the actions of others and taking action to find criminals.

Who was the official in each Anglo-Saxon village responsible for carrying out decisions made by local courts?

The Reeve, who was highly respected and chosen by the community.

What role did the Church play in law enforcement in Anglo-Saxon England?

The Church played a vital role in the community, and people believed that if they committed a crime, they would end up in Hell.

What was the punishment for poaching in Anglo-Saxon England?

It was considered a crime, but for the serfs, it was a social crime as hunting for animals was often their only way to find food.

What were the three main beliefs about how the law should be enforced in Anglo-Saxon England?

Community, Religion, and Status.

What was the responsibility of the victim in seeking justice for a crime in Anglo-Saxon England?

The victim was responsible for seeking justice, and the whole community was expected to play a part in finding the criminal.

How was law enforcement organized in Anglo-Saxon England?

The country was divided into smaller areas called hundreds, and each hundred had tithings responsible for the behavior of others. The Shire Reeve was responsible for bringing criminals to justice.

What role did religion play in law enforcement in Anglo-Saxon England?

Religion played a significant role, as people believed that God had the final judgment over a person's innocence or guilt.


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