
Amount of flashcards: 59

What was the punishment for poaching in Norman England?

It is not mentioned in the text.

What were the punishments for crimes against authority in Norman England?

The most severe punishment, death, was given for crimes against authority, such as rebellion against the new Norman rulers.

What was the punishment for murder in Norman England?

A fine called the wergild was paid to the victim's family as compensation, preventing the victim's family from seeking revenge.

What were the punishments for public disorder, such as drunkenness, in Norman England?

Public humiliation in stocks or pillory.

What were the punishments for theft in Norman England?

Fines and corporal punishments.

What was the punishment for forging coins in Norman England?

The hand of the person would be chopped off.

What was the punishment for arson in Norman England?

Public hanging.

What was the punishment for treason in Norman England?

Public hanging.

What were the punishments for crimes against property in Norman England?

Fines, corporal punishments, and public hanging for arson.

What were the punishments for crimes against the person in Norman England?

The wergild for murder and corporal punishments for assault.

What was the punishment for poaching in Norman England?

It is not mentioned in the text.


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