Chinese 300 hsk2 words

Amount of flashcards: 50

Question, 我明天要去上班。

Answer, I have to go to work tomorrow.

Question, 这儿的风景很美。

Answer, The scenery here is very beautiful.

Question, 我可以用你的电脑吗?

Answer, Can I use your computer?

Question, 我的生日是五月十号。

Answer, My birthday is on May 10th.

Question, 我喜欢听音乐。

Answer, I like to listen to music.

Question, 我要学习新的词汇。

Answer, I want to learn new vocabulary.

Question, 我爱你。

Answer, I love you.

Question, 请给我一杯水。

Answer, Please give me a glass of water.

Question, 我们去北京。

Answer, We're going to Beijing.

Question, 这是我的书。

Answer, This is my book.

Question, 你吃了吗?

Answer, Have you eaten?

Question, 我需要一辆出租车。

Answer, I need a taxi.


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