PS mcat

Amount of flashcards: 192

What is the role of the thalamus?

It acts as a sensory relay, except for smell

What are the two types of long-term memory?

Explicit/Declarative and Implicit/Nondeclarative

What are the two types of explicit/declarative memory?

Episodic and Semantic

What are the two types of implicit/nondeclarative memory?

Procedural and Emotional/Reflexive

What is eidetic memory?

Photographic memory

What is reproductive memory?

Memory reproduced with high fidelity (exact recall)

What is selective attention?

Task with distraction

What is divided attention?

Multiple tasks

What is the difference between operant and classical conditioning?

Operant conditioning is based on positive/negative reinforcement and punishment, while classical conditioning involves the reward pathway

What are the different schedules of reinforcement?

Fixed Ratio, Variable Ratio, Fixed Interval, Variable Interval

What is the response rate and extinction in fixed ratio schedule?

Steady response rate, higher ratio leads to more difficulty in extinction

What is the response rate and extinction in variable ratio schedule?

Constant response rate, most resistance to extinction


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