What is the social gradient of health?
Wealthier individuals live longer on average compared to middle-class individuals, and middle-class individuals live longer than poor individuals
What is the dependency ratio?
The number of economically dependent members in the population divided by the number of economically productive members
What is the life course perspective?
It states that environmental factors, behaviors, and stressors from an early age can influence later life and health outcomes
What is a token economy?
It uses tokens as secondary reinforcers to encourage desired behaviors
What is teacher expectancy?
It is the belief of a teacher about a student, which can influence the student's performance
What is mobility?
The ability to move from one social class or socioeconomic status to another
What is horizontal mobility?
A change of roles within the same social class
What is vertical mobility?
A change in someone's socioeconomic status
What is structural mobility?
Mobility on a population level due to macro social change
What is role strain?
Competing demands within one role
What is role conflict?
Conflicting demands from multiple roles
What is Weber's ideal bureaucracy?
Employees are selected based on technical qualifications, specialized in a limited number of tasks, decisions are based on organized hierarchy, and employee evaluation is based on standardized rules