PS mcat

Amount of flashcards: 192

What is a case-control study?

An observational study where data is gathered from cases and controls

What is a case study?

A study that provides detailed information about one or a small group of individuals

What is a meta-analysis study?

A study that combines and analyzes data from multiple studies

Why is it unethical to have a placebo group involving a sham surgery?

Because it involves subjecting participants to unnecessary risk

What is generalizability in research?

The ability to apply the results of a study to real life or other places

What is experimenter/selection bias?

When researchers deliberately or inadvertently influence study outcomes

What is ethical research?

Research that requires all participants to voluntarily participate

What is the Hawthorne effect?

A change in research participants' behavior as a result of their awareness that they are being observed

What is a double-blind study?

A study where neither the participant nor the researcher know the conditions

What is a single-blind study?

A study where the participant doesn't know the conditions but the researcher does

What are Piaget's stages of development?

Preoperational, Concrete operational, Formal operational

What is Mead's theory of social self?

Preparatory stage, Play stage, Game stage


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