
Amount of flashcards: 42

What is fundamental attribution error theory?

Tendency to attribute others' behavior to internal factors while overlooking external factors

Give an example of fundamental attribution error.

Blaming a person for being late without considering factors like traffic

What are the factors that affect our attributions?

External (situational influences on behavior) and internal (personal characteristics influencing behavior)

What is the connection between attitudes and actions?

Attitudes can influence corresponding behaviors

Give an example of the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

Agreeing to sign a petition before being asked to volunteer time for a cause

How does role playing affect attitudes?

Adopting a new role can lead to a change in attitudes

What is cognitive dissonance theory?

The discomfort felt when holding conflicting beliefs or attitudes

What is persuasion?

Changing attitudes through communication

What are the two routes of persuasion?

Peripheral route (influenced by incidental cues) and central route (focuses on the content of the message)

What are norms?

Shared expectations about appropriate behavior

What is conformity?

Adjusting behavior to align with a group standard

What is compliance?

Agreeing to a request or demand


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