
Amount of flashcards: 42

What is normative social influence?

Conforming to gain approval or avoid disapproval

What is informational social influence?

Conforming to others' behavior because they provide information

What did Milgram's obedience experiment investigate?

The influence of authority on obedience

What is group behavior?

How people act in a group setting

What is social facilitation?

Improved performance in the presence of others

What is social loafing?

Reduced effort when working in a group

What is deindividuation?

Loss of self-awareness and restraint in a group

What is the just world phenomenon?

The belief that the world is just and people get what they deserve

What is scapegoat theory?

Blaming an out-group for one's frustration

What is the fundamental attribution error?

Overemphasizing internal factors when explaining others' behavior

What is self-serving bias?

Attributing positive events to internal factors and negative events to external factors

What are cognitive shortcuts?

Mental shortcuts that ease cognitive load


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