PS mcat

Amount of flashcards: 192

What is structural mobility?

Mobility on a population level due to macro social change

What is role strain?

Competing demands within one role

What is role conflict?

Conflicting demands from multiple roles

What is Weber's ideal bureaucracy?

Employees are selected based on technical qualifications, specialized in a limited number of tasks, decisions are based on organized hierarchy, and employee evaluation is based on standardized rules

What is global systems theory?

It describes how core nations export goods and periphery nations export resources

What is social stratification?

The hierarchical organization of social class, social status, and power

What are the major types of capital?

Economic, Social, and Cultural

What is prejudice?

Cognitive or affective biases or attitudes towards a certain group

What is discrimination?

Behavioral actions or practices that result in differential treatment of individuals based on their group membership

What is medicalization?

The process of describing a type of behavior as a symptom of an underlying illness that should be treated by a doctor

What is the diathesis-stress model?

It integrates biological predispositions and environmental factors in understanding pathology

What is the difference between race and ethnicity?

Race is based on perceived physical characteristics, while ethnicity is based on culture and ancestry


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