
Amount of flashcards: 42

What factors contribute to aggressive behavior?

Genetic influence, neural influence, and biochemical influence

What is the frustration-aggression principle?

Frustration leads to aggression

What is a social script?

Culturally provided mental instructions for how to act

How does reinforcement and modeling influence behavior?

Rewarding certain behaviors while imitating observed behaviors

What was Zimbardo's prison experiment about?

Studying social roles and behavior by simulating a prison environment

What is prosocial behavior?

Positive, constructive, and helpful behavior

What are the factors that influence attraction?

Proximity, physical attractiveness, and similarity

What is self-disclosure?

Revealing intimate aspects of oneself

What is altruism?

Unselfish concern for others' welfare

What is the arousal-cost-reward model for helping?

The decision to help is influenced by arousal, cost, and potential rewards

What is bystander intervention?

The likelihood of helping decreases as the number of bystanders increase

What is the social exchange theory?

People help when the benefits outweigh the costs


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